I propose to add the classiness of leagues: high, first category, second, third. The bottom line is that the league will acquire a visible class icon that will help with the search for leagues.
How it works.
Classification corresponds to the percentage of the number of players who set their cars to race. For example, if every race of 48 managers, only half participate in practice, the league will be 3 categories. And if 40 - then the first. Class boundaries: 50, 65, 80 and 95%. If attendance is less, class is not awarded.
Class will be awarded after the league first filled to 48 managers and spent one full season. To calculate the class should use the average for all races of one season. Class should be updated once a season after the last race. This will be a simple and understandable indicator of league activity!
If this idea is good, I can continue to develop it.