A lot of leagues are struggling to keep their Rookie and Pro tiers filled, with the exception of a few, usually pretty well known, active leagues. While there are other problems causing this, like the broken league search, it's also a logic result of how we progress through the game. Usually, and with most leagues, we join, do 1 or maybe 2 seasons in Rookie (if we'd do more we would hit the level cap and thus weight penalty anyway) and then we do another 1, maybe 2, season(s), given enough inactives or dummy accounts are present to keep promotion open, in Pro. But arriving in Elite we hopefully enjoy the game enough to do a lot more than those 1 or 2 seasons in Elite before retiring a team. Which means the active Elite accounts need way more places in leagues than the ones in the other 2 tiers. With Rookie a constant influx of new players can help to equalize it a bit as long as enough inactives are not given the boot immediately, but populating Pro is often a big problem.
So maybe introduce the possibilty for Elite only leagues. The idea is again at most 3 sub-leagues, all are rated Elite and set up in a 1-2 pyramid. The last 4 of the upper subleague relegate down, 2 each of the lower subleagues promote.
Given a current league keeps more than 95% filled during a season and their average Rookie level is above 10 and the Pro level 16, or as an alternative at least 9 (17 1car) teams each in both tiers sports a weight penalty, then the league owner can decide to turn the current league into this new form. The old Elite is the new upper subleague, Rookie and Pro get an instant promotion to Elite (they'd be Elite in most other league now anyway) and form the lower 2 subleagues.
A newly started Elite only league starts just with one subleague. If it's full the owner can split it into 2 at the end of the season and again if one of those is full he can enable the upper subleague which makes the best 4 of each league promote into it once.
New teams entering will be sorted into the lowest number subleague, although for the upper league they have to be at least the average level, else they are entered into one of the lower leagues if there's still an open spot.
Just a draft and probably needs some work. So enter suggestions/changes if you like the general idea and voice disapproval, preferably stating why, if you think this would be a bad idea.