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Hall of fame

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medal 5000
6 years 190 days ago
this HoF sucks, please give back the old version where I could skip to the last page and reach the page where I was positioned.
Now I can only move one page at a time, this really sucks
medal 5000
6 years 188 days ago
I want a chance to surf the hall of fame, select the number of page I want to reach
medal 5000
6 years 180 days ago
Am I the only one finding the HoF awful?
What a big deal about changing it a bit?
reach the page where I am positioned, reach the page where any player is positioned (just clicking on its name), move the pages 10 at a time (or even 50, 100), or select a specific page just writing the number.
come on, let's fix this issue!
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 180 days ago
No, you're not the only one. Yes, hopefully it will be fixed at some point, especially since at least most of that was there and worked in an older version of that page. No, it's of no priority in my eyes because how the reputation works currently makes it pretty meaningless anyway, but that might be just me.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 178 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 6 years 19 days ago)
I managed to get to the last page.
It's VERY slow to surf through it. I did a workaround that made me possible to actually press the 57213 page button while in was in HoF first page.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 178 days ago
There is a reason these pages are not accessible anymore: it was putting unnecessary strain on the servers.

It has to sort through every account in the whole game and it just isn't technically feasible as it is currently implemented, sorry. The more the game grows the more unusable the back-end of the HoF becomes to render.
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
ok, so there is a technical reason. 
I'd suggest you can consider removing the HoF at all, given that we can view the first 4 pages only, and  3 of them are 10000 points players, most of them retired. not exactly an appealing feature..
medal 5000
6 years 139 days ago
Love your name dude, especially in combination with being in last position in the hall of fame.
Great work.
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 137 days ago
I wonder now if most of us, including me, are working in the wrong direction. Aren't bigger numbers better? Ranking positionr 1169514 is clearly a bigger number than 1, or 55 in Gustavo's case. Well, 10000 is also bigger than 3388, but barely 3 times, compared to the almost 21264 times of the ranking.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 112 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 6 years 19 days ago)
Keep the strong (or should I say weak ?) work dude!

medal 5000
6 years 112 days ago
I've contemplated creating an account just to try to be the last one on the HoF, but I thought it was too tedious. Good work on following through with your cause!

How did you get your driver to be level 0???
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 111 days ago
Jason, let's keep the topic HoF last position.
Answering your question, the game can create those awful drivers when a driver contract end and there's any other to replace. They're pretty rare though.
medal 5000
6 years 110 days ago
This HoF is limited to 10.000. So I don’t see a reason to this exist.
This points is only to grade the players how are in the same “rank”.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 93 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 6 years 19 days ago)
Updating the HoF last page. I managed to get the number of positions : )

medal 6023
6 years 63 days ago (Last edited by Gustavo Heiden 6 years 19 days ago)
Christmas update!!

medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Can he reach zero!!!!!!???????!!!!
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 62 days ago
We have to count on those brave guys!
medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago
Lol someone's got to hold the table up 
medal 5000
6 years 54 days ago (edited 6 years 51 days ago)
@Pathetic Loser, I've created a new account to replicate your feat! Hopefully I can get become both the highest-rated and lowest-rated manager at the same time, at which time the entire iGP player base will be a giant "Jason sandwich"!
medal 5000
6 years 51 days ago
There is a reason these pages are not accessible anymore: it was putting unnecessary strain on the servers.

It has to sort through every account in the whole game and it just isn't technically feasible as it is currently implemented, sorry. The more the game grows the more unusable the back-end of the HoF becomes to render.

As a Computer Science major, I understand how sorting through 1.3 million managers requires a lot of resources. To be specific, if the input size (1.3 million in this case), the time it takes to sort these is proportional to "n * log(n)" (assuming that you use some kind of comparison sort, like mergesort).

I propose an idea: What if the game calculates all the positions once every 1 hour (or at some other regular interval), and then caches it, so that every request in the subsequent hour can simply access the cached copy?
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