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Service interruption (20 Aug 2018 at 12:15 GMT)

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medal 5145 CEO & CTO
5 years 253 days ago
For a few minutes around this time the site was sometimes not loading. If anyone needs support with issues due to this please email
medal 5402
5 years 253 days ago
Race is not working, it says "Error #3". And 15 minutes ago it didn't even let me enter the App, it gave me black screen.
medal 5145 CEO & CTO
5 years 253 days ago
We are going to have to restart the processes running races. Apologies for the obvious inconvenience this has caused.
medal 5402
5 years 253 days ago
It's okay I know you work hard every day and thank you for that.
Is our race gonna start later or rescheduled for tomorrow or skipped and canceled?
medal 5000
5 years 253 days ago
Stuck on negotiate, reconnect reason 3
medal 5145 CEO & CTO
5 years 253 days ago
There have been delays to some races at 13:30 GMT as well. These races are starting in the next 2-3 minutes.

Regarding the races that had trouble earlier, we can postpone or skip them. We simply need a request from the league host.
medal 5000
5 years 253 days ago
Once again: connection to the Server is not possible. 

"Probleme beim Verbinden, bitte neu laden"

Refreshing helps not.
medal 5184
5 years 253 days ago (edited 5 years 253 days ago)
Once again it's not working. Getting the "race has finished" message. We aldready skipped yesterday's race.

EDIT: Everything went OK, it just started with a few minutes of delay.
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