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Watching lower tier in league

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medal 5000
6 years 171 days ago
Hi there, is there a way to watch any of the other tiers in my current league without having to search through the spectate option on the home page?
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 171 days ago
If you're playing using the browser version right click on the link/button to your race, copy link address, insert into a new tab/ window and then add or subtract to the race ID number how many tiers the race you want to watch is above or below your tier. So if you're Elite and want to watch Rookie then subtract 2 from your race ID.

You can just click on your Go To Race button and then change the ID but of course the browser will start to load the wrong race right away then and to avoid that I prefer the link copy paste detour.
medal 5000
6 years 171 days ago
Thanks Frank. 
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