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Keys to control the cars

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medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
I know that it is (maybe was) possible to control the cars using the keyboard while playing on a pc. So what are those keys, especially the DRS, and is it really possible now?
medal 5010 Moderator
6 years 161 days ago

I know that it is (maybe was) possible to control the cars using the keyboard while playing on a pc. So what are those keys, especially the DRS, and is it really possible now?

The keyboard keys to control the car(s) on iGP are the following ones:

CAR 1                                 CAR 2  
Push Level -1: A                Push Level -1: J
Push Level +1: D               Push Level +1: L
KERS (C1): S                     KERS (C2): K
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
Thanks a lot mate!
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 161 days ago
And to add: to use these, you should not have the "chat" tab opened, otherwise your key entries will go into chat instead of instructing your drivers.
But if you still want to see the chat conversation while being in the "view" tab, you can press H, this enables the chat as an overlay in the viewer.
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
Thanks! Gonna check all of these controls today.
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