Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 273 days ago
I am just wondering about this.....
It was bought to my attention about some managers hopping from 1 league to another to change their % from 1 season to the next..
I know that if you have a high % and join a league with lower % you will lose some when you join, but does this work the other way around?
If your on 10% and join a leage with others on an average of 80% will you gain?
I have only ever been in 2 leagues since I started, So I have no idea if it is true or not..
Any feedback about this or any clues to league hopping advantages will be appreciated.

D Patrick medal 5000 12 years 273 days ago
JFYI: I know when I signed up I league hop 15 times but I was looking at info I couldnt seem to find before joinning...I wasnt doing to use an exploit. I forget at the moment why I had too but umm Yeah I hop in and out after find the required info.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 273 days ago
Designs are only scaled down during league hopping, not up. It's not based on the average of other cars, it's based on the relative number of races complete in the season.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 273 days ago
But that doesn't stop you having 100% and to get a better chance of gaining % is to leave a league before the end.. Get it dropped and then re-join the same league you left with lower dev % so it doesn't stop you for testing for the next???
Maybe a week lock down from leaving a league and re-joining the same one will stop this???

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 273 days ago
Or a new design system... :)