Hi! I was thinking that it would be good if each new level of KERS and DRS cost more and not allwas the same 250K.
I think that each new level is harder to obtain for the "Developer team" and then should be a higher ammount of money.
I don't know how much, but if going from lvl 1 to lvl 2 cost 250K... it could be 50% more expensive from 2 to 3 and so on...
So lvl 3 should cost 375K
Lvl 4 562K
lvl 5 1.265K
and so on...
That will make us to manage better our money and not only hire all the best crew/drivers available on each lvl...
Maybe 50% is a lot... since at lvl 20 you will need 370M for each one... but maybe it could be done on differents ammount of %...
For example: from lvl 1 to lvl 5.... 50% increase, from lvl 6 to lvl 10... 40% increase, from lvl 11 to lvl 15... 30% increase, from lvl 16 to lvl 20... 20% increase...
That way from lvl 19 to lvl 20 it should be like 41M each one (If I did not wrong calculated it)
What do you think about?
I calculated the other way round... from 1 to 5 20%, from 6 to 10 30% and so on... I think its even better as the higher the level the more expensive it is....
So it will end un on lvl 20 for like 65M each one... I really like that way...