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Maxed out drivers 4.5 stars

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medal 5000
6 years 155 days ago
I've got two fully trained drivers both tal 20 and one has got up to 20 experience and is still showing 4.5 stars I can not see why hes not a 5 star racer can someone please help me out on this.

Best Solution -- Selected by Rik Sinnige

medal 5000
6 years 155 days ago
It doesn't appear to have any detrimental effect on their speed. A few months ago they used to max out at L18 / 4.5 stars when they had 20 in all attributes. Jack fixed this but the drivers didn't appear to get any faster.
IMO, with staff the stars are important but drivers the numbers in the attributes are what counts.
medal 5000
6 years 155 days ago
Same for my driver. Only just get experience to 20, might be bug?
medal 5000
6 years 155 days ago
It doesn't appear to have any detrimental effect on their speed. A few months ago they used to max out at L18 / 4.5 stars when they had 20 in all attributes. Jack fixed this but the drivers didn't appear to get any faster.
IMO, with staff the stars are important but drivers the numbers in the attributes are what counts.
medal 5000
6 years 154 days ago
Your driver is showing as having 6 red stars when I click on the driver link
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 154 days ago
Because you are level 14, the OP and his drivers are all level 19. The stars are a visualisation of the level difference between the staff/driver and your manager level. 

It doesn't appear to have any detrimental effect on their speed. A few months ago they used to max out at L18 / 4.5 stars when they had 20 in all attributes. Jack fixed this but the drivers didn't appear to get any faster.
IMO, with staff the stars are important but drivers the numbers in the attributes are what counts.

Yes, the only effect is that it's possible to train drivers a tiny bit faster because they are always of a slightly lower level than expected. For drivers only their stats matter, which is good because who would want drivers that suddenly get slower every time you level up? Getting level 19+ would be the most dreaded event in the game then. ;-)

medal 5000
6 years 154 days ago
Thank you for the help Peeps good to know that its not affecting my drivers.
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