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medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
Well that was a race that i never want to happen again!! Couldn't stay on the laptop to watch the race any longer than 1 lap at a time before it would kick me out so switched to the phone to only then have my tyres totally shot as i couldn't change anything!! I understand problems ever now and then but its happening a lot!! And to top it off it now looks like our race for next Monday will be right on maintenance time! Going to be a tough season if this keeps up!! Guess the switch to this new server has been a bit of a disaster!! Even the league host got booted tonight and had lots of freezing!
Had my rant and rave over an out!!
medal 5044
6 years 179 days ago
Hi Graeme, based on diagnostic information we have regarding your problem, we are seeing unique behavior here for which nobody else is experiencing at the moment.

We'd like to know a couple things so we can better address this issue.

1. Were you using wi-fi or Ethernet (cable connection to modem or router) to play on your laptop?
2. How long did it take to load the viewer? Was it longer than usual?
3. For how long has the problem persisted?
4. Have you tried rebooting your modem and/or router?
medal 5000
6 years 178 days ago
My race this evening was particularly very Lag filled...I had to keep leaving the race and going back in. But to be fair it's possible it was my router...It was ok on mobile data....
medal 5000
6 years 178 days ago
Well for stater's it was nothing to do with the router or internet here as i tried it on both laptops and it was the same. Yes it took a little longer to load but only maybe a second or two. The problem went for the whole race as i tried to get in on the laptop a couple of times while watching on the phone. Every time you tried to adjust your drivers settings or chat and you were gone and booted. 
To say also that it didnt affect anyone else is wrong as i told you in my initial post that even the host or our league who was watching the race with us said he had problems also. We in our championship usually have 4 of us there watching every race and sometimes more but the chat was like a yoyo with people in and out all over the place.
I guess its just annoying as i was trying to get the right push level for my drivers and because every time i tried to do this it booted me on the laptop that by the time i got to my phone the tyres were totally stuffed to the point of loosing so much time you just cant make it up again. My practice times and QF times were right up there with the lead guy in the comp and its disappointing it ruins a chance at having a shot at getting his drivers. Nothing against or top guy as he has done the work to get his guys to where they are (even though a couple of us say how the hell does he pull out 1 second a lap faster every race than us, its like he is running the game LOL) and to have it stuffed up by what it dramas like this. 
We have only had 4 races this season all being since the switch to the new server and not one of the races has been without on of us having trouble of some sort, mainly with getting booted out of the race.
I hope that explains it all and look the race has been run and won so there isnt much that can be done but something needed to be said and maybe looked into as there are still problems!
medal 5228 CEO & CTO
6 years 178 days ago
Hi Graeme, firstly let me reassure you that the points Yunus gave were not some prefab reply or attempt to ignore your concerns. We really did investigate your case, the whole team, because this is exactly the sort of thing we're trying to stop at the moment. Darren (viewer/sim developer) was looking at the history of your connection to the race and saw you coming and going a lot. He had a theory that we could perhaps increase the timeout duration on some settings to prevent this, but in the grand scheme of things it was isolated to you or your race. That's why Yunus said nobody else was experiencing it at the time.

Well for stater's it was nothing to do with the router or internet here as i tried it on both laptops and it was the same.

It's not so much which laptop as which internet connection is being used. If they were both connecting to the same router then this won't make any difference. Were they on the same network / router or different ones?


To say also that it didnt affect anyone else is wrong as i told you in my initial post that even the host or our league who was watching the race with us said he had problems also. We in our championship usually have 4 of us there watching every race and sometimes more but the chat was like a yoyo with people in and out all over the place.

Are you all based in Australia? Or with the same ISP? Or even in the same location/network? This would be another clue.


Every time you tried to adjust your drivers settings or chat and you were gone and booted.

Did it always happen right after you interacted with the interface? That's another interesting clue. It could be coincidence, but it may have been an issue with communication between your device and the server. It could even be a latency issue or timeout happening on these interactions (much as Darren hypothesized).

Of course we understand your frustration. Overall, we've seen huge improvements in the service since moving to the new servers (once we ironed out initial config issues). This may just be another configuration issue that happens to be hitting your region in this manner, and something we need to tweak, because I can tell you that the service is running pretty comfortably since the switch. I realise this is no consolation to you, but it should at least be reassuring to know that this isn't a service-wide issue and we're doing our best to find out what is happening to your league.
medal 5000
6 years 177 days ago
Please dont think i was having a go at anyone at all as im not im just stating exactly what had happened. I take things said with a grain of salt and just say what comes out. I guess us Aussie say things literally lol

With the laptops that i tried at first they were both on WIFI as ive never had problems like this before and i also connected on via Ethernet to try that but got the same results. We have just switched to the NBN network here in Adelaide Aust where i am. Before we switched our Dload was about 8/10mbps and Uload about 2mbps and now we have switched we at 95Mbps Dload and 33Mbps Uload. So the speed etc has got faster by a lot here. If I hadnt tried all of this i wouldnt have written about it.

To the 2nd part no we are all located all over the world. The main 3 of us we have me in Aust and the other 2 are in the UK. There is another Aussie that races in the Pro league and he normally watches his races but didnt the other night as i did ask him if there was any problems in there. But that night there was i think sometimes up to 6 or 7 watching and a couple were guests.

With the chat part normally there is free flowing chat in our room and its been fine. The other night i could type the sentence or even one word i did try and as soon as i clicked to enter it to the screen for the others to see bang it all froze and you got booted. It did that on both laptops every time and on the phone once. I did chat for that reason till the race was just about over and it worked then. That's when the host of our was telling me he was having the same problems. 

Im as buggered as probably you are as to what happened that night/day where ever you are lol. Lets hope that it doesnt happen next race but we now have to wait till Wednesday since our race has been cancelled with the maintenance lol.

Whats done is done and lets hope the one guys in our room stops winning all the races lol 17 straight till i got him in a rain affected race! I think he is now on 8 or 9 straight again since that race but we will keep trying!!! 

I do enjoy the game and hope to continue to enjoy it also. 
medal 5000
6 years 176 days ago
So are you experiencing this being kicked out the viewer after doing a certain action like chatting? 

If the kicking is from a repeatable action that is good information (bad for experience I know) because it gives me the information I need to try and replicate your experience, so I have a chance to fix it. 

We are constantly looking into everybody's issues, some issues are just hard to deal with because we just can't seem to replicate it. If you experiencing the same thing over and over again, like being kicked for instance, are you doing the same thing each time, pressing a button, trying to chat, changing driver all of these things could point to different issues, some of which may be fixed now as we are just finalising our new builds to be released.

Has this been an issue since the other night, was it a one off with that race or has it happened since. That is also valuable information for us, we have a lot of servers running on the backend and everyone from different races runs on that server, it could be a setup or just bad hardware on that server which would need further investigation.

Short of it all is, we understand it is annoying when you experience  being kicked out and dropped or it is really laggy. We play the game as much as we can too, we get just as annoyed if not more so than you guys and gals.

I will shut up now and continue to investigate. 
medal 5000
6 years 175 days ago
Well it was when I was chatting or trying to change setting on the car that it did it for me. I cant say for the other guys as i havent spoken to them again. At this stage its a once off as we havent raced again since then. We only race 3 times a week on Mon Wed and Fri and with the maintenance on yesterday we had to postpone our race so we havent had a race since that Friday night!!

I hoping its not going to happen again and its a once off thing but wont know that till tomorrow night when we race again!! 
medal 5000
6 years 174 days ago
Ok so looks like what ever happened in last race the problems have been fixed!!

The only comments we got in our race tonight was the lagging issues. It wasn't to bad but when there were cars bunched up that was when it was at its worst.

If that's the only problem we have now then good!!!

Totally of topic but hope you read it.First race for us also since the new tyre settings and yes we could get loner on the Soft tyre about 18 laps at the Spanish GP but the Hard tyre then we could get about 20-25 laps and the times were still quicker than the soft's. Just feedback for this as it doesn't really seem to affect us to much.

Thanks again for trying to work out what happened in our last race and i hope maybe something came out of it!!

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