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Driver To Friend - STOLEN

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medal 5000
6 years 153 days ago (edited 6 years 152 days ago)
Furious!!!!! I have kept a driver back for nearly three weeks for a friend of mine. We were both online and communicating together. I get the go ahead to sell, he gets NO MESSAGE - Nothing, confirmed SHORTLISTED by him, he knows what to do. Somewhow the driver sells to  third party in under 3 minutes. How much money it's cost me keeping this driver, I'd estimate 20m, but for him it's OK. I would have never sold to anyone else.
Bought by Budajin Racing - Stephan Buder. NOT HIS. Should be Daniel Folden - 3 Wide Racing
Utterly ridiculous situation.
medal 5088
6 years 153 days ago
Okay, it seems he really did not get the notification, just tried checking his messages box just in case.

I can't take the driver acquired by the other player and give it to him, but let him know to check his reserve drivers. I hope he enjoys his soon to be active pilot! ;)
medal 5000
6 years 153 days ago
Many thanks, greatly appreciated. Waiting for conformation from him. Hopefully a happy end to an incredibly frustrating experience.  I'll update when news arrives. Regards.
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 153 days ago
By the way, Luke, you don't have to go into such a rant to get support. Yunus would also help you if you would explain the problem calmly and without shouting ;)
I know it's frustrating when something like that happens, but these things can get sorted as you see, no need to get furious about it :)
medal 5000
6 years 152 days ago
By the way, Luke, you don't have to go into such a rant to get support. Yunus would also help you if you would explain the problem calmly and without shouting ;)
I know it's frustrating when something like that happens, but these things can get sorted as you see, no need to get furious about it :)

In my experience checking the issues, it works sometimes. I have seen in others and myself report "issues" with good manners and got a negative. This kind of behaviour with this result (positive) only encourage to do it the next time it happens.
That said, you're totally right.
medal 5000
6 years 152 days ago
After a three week build up, a ton of effort and a few beers on a Friday night, I apologise if my rather loud post caused offense to anyone, it wasn't the intention. That being said, this wasn't the first time! It's actually the third time it's happened in the last week. This time was with a fully trained driver, the other two were not, so no massive problem except having to find 2 more 20 skill level drivers for a friend at my expense. There's a point where even the most patient loose patience. Anyway, the driver has emerged and been delivered, so most grateful. Had I known that these problems can get sorted I wouldn't have been so beside myself. Great to know the admin are able to sort these problems out. Many thanks again.
medal 5088
6 years 152 days ago
That being said, this wasn't the first time! It's actually the third time it's happened in the last week. 

This is where the frustration arises. Players should notify us when they experience the problem the first time, so we maybe able to get the ball rolling on resolving the problem sooner.

This happens with many help requests we receive, players don't tell us when a problem arises, they tell us after it's happened multiple times.
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 152 days ago
No hard feelings, Luke, and I didn't feel offended, just wanted to point out that the devs and support persons are also just people who try to help where possible and are not deliberately putting bugs in the game :)
I do understand your frustration though.
And (as I'm a citizen of the land of the beer) I hope it were good beers ;)
medal 5000
6 years 151 days ago
Make buying dricers from others easier.

Give us an option on our driver screen, if ticjed then others can offer us tokens for our drivers, or game cash.

If we want to sell to them we can accept it, if not just click no.

Stops all this mucking about
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 151 days ago
Hi Dan, please create a topic in Suggestions and follow the forum rules.

I close the topic.
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