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Report managers?

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medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago
Hi there!

I didn't bother wasting my time searching the forum for nothing, so I decided to start this thread. 

Why is there no button or any similar option to report a manager, whether it is for an inappropriate name or toxic behaviour?

I won't name a certain person (at least not until tomorrow) unless someone requests otherwise.

Best regards,
Robert Jackson
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 149 days ago

It's on our to-do list, if you want to report something you can do it perfectly by sending me a private message. I'm in charge of moderation in the game and I can help you.
medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago
Thanks, mate!

However, the case I want to report consists of PMs from a toxic manager, so I can only quote them, but I'm sure you won't mind the length.
medal 5272 Community Manager
6 years 149 days ago
I’ll check it later, I can see PM.
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