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Any Admins for a Request?

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medal 5000
6 years 148 days ago
Just looking to see if an Admin would be able to shift all members in our League to "Elite" , as we're all hitting the Maximum Cap in Rookie, and want everyone to promote together, rather than only having 6 people at a time since we're a big group of friends.

Would any Admins/Moderators be able to help us with this scenario? If so, we would all be very thankful.

League: RRC Banter League

If this can't be done then no worries.

-Connor Dickman-
medal 5000
6 years 147 days ago
Do you even have promotion turned on?
It looks to me it is not so no one is ever going to promote anyway. 
And to be asked to be moved to elite from rookie? none of you have the skills or experience to be in elite yet. thast why it is staggered to build your self up. 
I would suggest you turn on promotion if it off and do it that way. 
medal 5000
6 years 147 days ago
The thing is, when we turn promotion on, only 6 of us will end up Promoting, but the problem is that we want all of us to promote together, and we're capping at 50 in most of our stats due to us upgrading our Headquarters frequently. Plus, a Season with just 6 teams in 1 division may get boring quickly. Even just getting everyone to Pro would be nice. Most of us have had a Previous account on iGP, so we know what we're doing when it comes to it. The reason we're all low levels is due to the fact we wanted to make the League fairer to the new folk we had joining.
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