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medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago (edited 6 years 167 days ago)
The weather now is unpredictable in Monaco it was raining and gain until 3mm suddenly the sun came true and in 1sec there was only 2.3mm on the track... 
Thats not realistic and I want to ask to put the real weather back online pls. Because it s now 2 days that it happend and you just have to be lucky now. If you participate you put wets and 1 sec later you need inters. With rain you can not play strategic any more. 
medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
Lol. Do u use the metric system? I bet not, because 0.7mm is about a teardrop in volume. It was just bad luck i guess, cus u couldve stayed on the inters with 3.0mm, n if u had ud probably win n we wouldnt hear any of this
medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
Haha bo i won the race was 1ste and 2e so no problem. But its not right that it drops from 3mm to 2.3mm in 1sec
Ps a hint... wets are usefull from 3.2mm so yes I stayed on inters ;)
medal 5000
6 years 167 days ago
Great race. But again. I see ur from Belgium, so u do use the metric system. U should know 0.7mm is next to nothing. Even if its a second. Monaco is up n downhill. Water will flow off the track straight into the marina. (Doubt they taken it into account tho.) Altho i hv to admit some of the guys making 5 to 7 stops is a bit much.
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