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Real time weather sites

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medal 5000
6 years 163 days ago
Guys, could some1 of you reccomend the website for real time weather ?

Maby there is some site with all race tracks weather information ? 
medal 5000
6 years 163 days ago
Check this out:
Not sure if them all work nowdays, so far I haven't encounter a problem yet.
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
Lol. Not helpfull at all.
Thats what he was trying to avoid. The ingame weather predictions.
Personally i use google.
Google "(trackname) weather". Its an hour to hour, pretty accurate, prediction of whats to come.
Hasnt failed me so far. Except when the weather was turned off.

I dont know if igp uses this site. 
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
Not helpful? Why not? Joey's guide has links to Wunderground weather which as I understand it is the web site that iGP uses for the live weather feed.
Admittedly some of the links no longer work, where this is the case just find the Wunderground weather station closest to the circuit.
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
I read the part about rain, and scrolled through the rest. The only link i could find on there was the link to igp weather forecast.
Maybe i missed it. I thought it would logically appear in the part where he discusses weather.... hence i scrolled through the rest instead of reading it.
If there is truly a link in there, i must have missed it, so please be helpfull n post a link.
Because that is what was asked 4.
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
I'm not really sure if you are trolling, if my English is worse everyday or what's going on honestly, I'm just gonna copy paste a message, with hyperlinks into the names of the tracks (just click on them).

1. Australia
2. Malaysia
3. China
4. Bahrain
5. Spain
6. Monaco
7. Turkey
8. Great-Britain
9. Germany
10. Hungary
11. Europe (Valencia)
12. Belgium
13. Italy
14. Singapore
15. Japan
16. Brazil
17. Abu Dhabi

PS : Some stations aren't the most accurate but I was not able to find any better or to find the actual stations iGP is using
Wrote by Joey McLane
medal 5000
6 years 162 days ago
This is real nice. I clicked the link above those where it says "change the number" , it send me straight to an igp forecast.
So i dismissed the rest as being the same. Im sorry.
I never troll btw.
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