A couple of months ago Jack posted this in the "Announcements section" / "New Design Balancing" thread...
"From now on, during promotion or relegation, your next season design will be scaled using this formula (which I've simplified here for clarity):
nextSeasonDesign * (newTierDesignMax / oldTierDesignMax)
E.g. Using the current design caps of 50 in Rookie, 80 in Pro and 100 in Elite, then promoting from Rookie to Pro your designs will be multipled by 1.6, giving them a 60% boost. Relegating from Elite to Pro your designs would be multipled by 0.8, reducing them by 20%.
This will mean if you had achieved the maximum design progress in Rookie, it will be converted to the same promoting to Pro. If you had achieved the maximum progress in Elite then it will be reduced to the equivalent of that in Pro during relegation."
I don't think it's working any more, it appears to have stopped at about the same time as the server migration. This means that relegated teams begin the season with design from the higher tier and are untouchable for the first half of the season, by which time they're so far clear in the team championship that nobody else has a chance.
Please can you investigate. Thanks.