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Receiving Race Setup Push Notification

When should managers be notified about setting up cars and strategies before practice ends?

48.84% (42)
1 hour before race start
3.49% (3)
40 minutes before race start
34.88% (30)
30 minutes before race start
12.79% (11)
20 minutes before race start
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medal 5088
6 years 161 days ago
Hi all!

The purpose of this poll is to ask managers what they feel is the most suitable time to receive a push notification about setting up their cars and race strategy before the practice session ends and qualifying begins.

The goal of this push notification is to help remind managers they have a race starting soon in case they have forgotten to save a setup and strategy.

Please vote in the poll and also feel free to leave a comment that is relevant to the topic of this thread. Please note this poll does not necessarily mean the option with the most votes will decide the final outcome. We will still carefully determine the best possible choice.
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
Genius Idea :) 1 hour before works for me 
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 161 days ago
1 hour is too much for me. I will think "oh, I still have 1 hour, I can do it a bit later", and then forget again :)
medal 5000
6 years 161 days ago
Same with me Gert ;)
medal 5000
6 years 160 days ago (edited 6 years 160 days ago)
I think it is everyone's own responsibility to setup the car in time. It is part of the game... Too late is too late... 

There are many factors that can make someone win a race or the championship. Setup in time is one of them. This game does not have to babysit. People who have a mobile phone can set their daily alarm an hour before the race. 

And if this option makes it to the game, make it at least with an on/off switch for the host. I don't want it in my league, so I will turn it off. Maybe only for the rookie tier I will turn it on. 

Other babysit options;
- auto setup every race (car and strategy) 
- auto train your drivers
- auto buy the best staff 
- popup screen when to use kers 
- push messages when the weather changes just before a race
- auto develop the car
- 5 times Yes for sure questions if you buy parts instead of engines
- push message you don't forget to select new sponsors
- buy extra fast engines only with tokens 

medal 5000
6 years 160 days ago
30 minute setup notification, followed by a 5 minute race start notification to let you know you have missed setup and the race starts soon.
medal 5000
6 years 160 days ago
30 min
medal 5000
6 years 160 days ago
To be honest I'm not bothered if it's between an hour or less....I think it's a good idea although thus game is part of my routine and the races don't come soon enough for me. I think also one close to lock out is good to
medal 5000
6 years 158 days ago

Hi all!

The purpose of this poll is to ask managers what they feel is the most suitable time to receive a push notification about setting up their cars and race strategy before the practice session ends and qualifying begins.

The goal of this push notification is to help remind managers they have a race starting soon in case they have forgotten to save a setup and strategy.

Please vote in the poll and also feel free to leave a comment that is relevant to the topic of this thread. Please note this poll does not necessarily mean the option with the most votes will decide the final outcome. We will still carefully determine the best possible choice.

medal 4974
6 years 157 days ago
60 minutes would be great. I also agree with James that a 5 minute warning for race start would be nice. It would save me clock watching. 
medal 5000
6 years 157 days ago
You have gave them options but what if you don't want any of them times is that 20 min warning including the 10 min before race when qualifying takes place or is it 30 mins before race you would get it and it should have an option of no change or has it already been decided to implement it if teams want it or not
medal 5000
6 years 157 days ago
You could just turn push notifications off...
medal 5000
6 years 154 days ago
Turning push off does not give a true result in poll if teams want it or not it could be wasting developers time when they could be working on other improvements
medal 5000
6 years 154 days ago
It's depend on climate temperature.
medal 5088
6 years 153 days ago
Turning push off does not give a true result in poll if teams want it or not it could be wasting developers time when they could be working on other improvements

You will be able to choose which push notifications to receive from the app. The developers aren't that shortsighted :)
medal 5000
6 years 146 days ago
It's depend on climate temperature.

Lol. Best reply in the whole topic dude. Thnx. Made my day.
Not that kinda push tho.
medal 5088
6 years 146 days ago

It's depend on climate temperature.

Lol. Best reply in the whole topic dude. Thnx. Made my day.
Not that kinda push tho.

He probably didn't get a good translation, lol.
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