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Livery editor side and in-game

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medal 5000
6 years 150 days ago

I like to create new livery's for my team. Changing colors, trying new designs.
But there is one thing i miss in the editor.
There are always two things i look for when i design a new livery.
1) how does it look from the side
2) how does it look from above.

Cause that is how you see the car most of the time.
But in the editor there is no possibility to see how it will look from the side or in-game.
Can you guy's put in a little window where it shows how it will look like from the side and in-game, before i spend my tokens on a design?
Now i have to imaging how it will look like.

Keep up the good work!

friendly greets,
Sander (PuRpLeGrEeN racing)
medal 6230
6 years 150 days ago
You definitely have the side view available in livery editor and also almost top angle not 100% top angle as in race viewer but gives you an idea. To change angle simply click anywhere in while in livery mode to move angle.
medal 5000
6 years 149 days ago
Hello MS,

Sure i know about the free movement in the editor. But this is not what i mean.
The top angle is not even close to what it looks like in game, you have to agree that with me.
I like to see the cars you see at the page "cars" in the menu.(pc only)

So if i design a car in a specific color combi, i like to see directly what will be the effect on the in-game car.
Sometimes colors look lighter in design than they look in-game.

It is only maybe improve the gameplay.

Friendly greets,
medal 6230
6 years 149 days ago
Fair enough I'll report it in to devs maybe they can implement this in the next update thanks for suggestion.
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