Kodie Chapman medal 5000 12 years 268 days ago
I have just started a league and a team has came in and is sat in the Pro Tier by himself.
How do i change it so he is in the Rookie Tier with the rest of the teams so he isn't racing by himself?
If not possibile, can someone please explain how it works?
Please reply by 18:30 GMT Today, Sunday 24/06/12

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 268 days ago
He cannot change tiers unless he is relegated or promoted.
You can be relegated in another league to Rookie, and then come back to your league perhaps? Or try and see if more Pro's will join

Kodie Chapman medal 5000 12 years 268 days ago
Just wanted a full league in the Rookies Tier..
So this means the manager and his team have been promoted in the past seasons and can not join Rookie Tier?

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 268 days ago
No. Not unless they are relegated by competing in a Pro season first.

Kodie Chapman medal 5000 12 years 268 days ago
Ok i understand it now.
Thanks for clearing that up Ryan.