We, from league "Campeonato de Marcas Brasil - CMB", are developing a spreadsheet to help us follow the championship.
And in the course of this process, we noticed a recurring error in the classification of Teams that are tied with the same score and that surely must have already harmed some users.
The order of the common classification criterion in racing championships is as follows:
1 - Number of Points
2 - Number of 1st places
3 - Number of 2nd places
4 - Number of 3rd places
5 - Number of 4th places
6 - And thereafter...
But in the game is happening differently. Let me give you an example of what is happening in our league today (we just ran in China). The ranking of the last places of our Elite is as follows:
12º – Esteves (Matheus Esteves) — 0pts
13º – BR One Gurgel (Diego Barbosa) — 0pts
14º – Ceará Motors (Iuri Vidal) — 0pts
15º – Team Nutt (M Nucci) — 0pts
16º – alemuniz26 (Alexandre Muniz) — 0pts
As in the picture:

However, in our spreadsheet, we recorded all results of the teams and with this we arrive at the following classification:
12º — Esteves: 1 P12
13º — Team Nutt: ———— 1 P19 / 1 P20
14º — Ceará Motors: ———— 1 P19 / ——————— / 1 P22 / 1 P25
15º — BR One Gurgel ———— 1 P19 / ——————— / 1 P22 / ———/1 P26
16º — alemuniz26 ——————————— 1 P21
As in the picture:

If it is not clear, each column is an arrival position and each square has the number of times the team finished the race with a car in that position.
Note that the game is downgrading the "Team Nutt" team in place of "BR One Gurgel" unfairly, as Team Nutt has a P20 that puts it in front of "BR One Gurgel" and "Ceará Motors".
We noticed that the game is putting "BR One Gurgel" and "Ceará Motors" ahead of them by winning the P19 first. But this type of criterion is only used in cases of "perfect" draws, which is not the situation, because Team Nutt has better results and therefore is being harmed.
And even if developers use the argument that "this is the game's criterion," imagine the following situation:
An "A" manager runs the Australian race and takes 15th place as the best position. After that he leaves the game and his team invariably takes the last positions until the end of the season. While manager "B" who is always following the races, he gets a 15th place in Malaysia and in the next races he varies in positions from 16º to 27º, without ever being in last.
Is it fair for the game to consider that both teams had equal performance and, on that account, favor the "A" manager? In fact, it is easier to assume that manager "B" outperformed "A" because he matched his best result and then outperformed all his other smaller results.
We really like the IGP and we congratulate you on your work. But we would like to see a solution to this bug. The point is probably that many managers may be being downgraded unfairly because of this.