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design date setup bug

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medal 5000
12 years 155 days ago
I have an issue when trying to allocate the number of designers to lets say the Front wing. I will put 4 designers and the date will be the 26th. then put 5 and it will be the 25th. but  when I save and refresh the page the date with 5 designers goes back to the 26th. basically I need to save my changes to the designers allocated and refresh the page to get the actual date the design will be done. A few people in my league have noticed the same thing. 
medal 6098 CEO & CTO
12 years 155 days ago
This has been around for ages, it's a really picky little bug that is hard to reproduce and only happens in the way you describe, sometimes. Most of the time it doesn't.

The true date is the one when you refresh.

The design system is being updated in the next patch so it shouldn't be an issue then.
medal 5000
12 years 139 days ago
I'm getting a bug where I can't fix a certain part on a certain day, sometimes at the limit you can bring it forward one more day but sometimes you can't, at first I thought this was an element to stop you developing the same part in consecutive days but now it's stopping me from developing the underbody at all, I can only get it set to tomorrow or sometimes, yesterday.
I look forward to the ironing out of the design system in Q2 update because it's a bit of a pandora's box.
medal 5000
12 years 133 days ago
I just got screwed again. My underbody for next season (which has just become the new season, after Abu Dhabi just now) was going to be upgraded an hour from now, date was set on 18th before (after all refreshing and double checks yesterday and today), but now the season has ticked over and it's now set to the 19th, I can't put it back on the 18th again.
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