Mark Jeffery medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
There's a race in about 5 hours and I'm doing the set up now. I've finalised it all and hit "save all" (as per usual) but the button is remaining highlighted. If I go to navigate away from the page it gives me the warning that there's unsaved data (so obviously hasn't saved my set up).
Is this only affecting me? I've taken a screenshot of all the set up so that I can re-add them later on if need be... Seems odd though.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Which browser are you using?
Sometimes it takes awhile to save the setup data.

Mark Jeffery medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Chrome. Has always taken a moment or three to save a setup but has always completed the save.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Try to save it with a different one and report if that works.

Atom Taifos medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
I had this problem the other day Nico. No matter how many times I clicked the green save button, it wouldn't turn grey. I had to alt + F5 to get it to work.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
I assume that alt + F5 (in firefox it is ctrl + F5) deletes your cached data. Which probably can cause this.
Chrome has some known issues in this game, therefore he should try it with a different browser because I never had such problems except of server restarts ;)

Mark Jeffery medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Just checked in via IE and it showed everything in there, fully saved (had taken screenshots just in case they hadn't saved).
Odd issue, but ultimately was functioning despite the appearance of the save button.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 257 days ago
Try what Atom said. Delete your Cache of Chrome and try it again.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 251 days ago
This could be caused by an AJAX query hanging, in theory. It could have been the case that there was a poor connection between your computer and the server.