Andy Craig medal 5000 6 years 114 days ago (edited 6 years 114 days ago)
Can anyone shed some light on how sponsor targets are set please?
There are a few people in my league who are being set what I would say is unrealistic targets. They are lower levels than the majority of teams in the Elite Tier at the moment.
Main one is being set targets to finish 14th yet his best result all season was one 16th place finish and a few 17th spots but most finishes have been around the 19-22nd mark.
M S medal 5909 6 years 114 days ago
I can't tell you the exact mechanics but target tends to be always slightly higher than what you have been achieving in past recent races. If you have poorer results than what you have been achieving target will lower and if you start hitting target it rise but whole poi t of target is to do better than what you have been doing. So from that point of view target of 14th when you have been achieving 16th and 17th is normal.