Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
1 second it's 25 degrees with 18 with and then it's -18 with 0 wind.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
That is not our fault so blame Google for it!

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
Who blamed anyone??? Jumping the gun a bit there I think.. I just put a crash warning up to let the admin / devs know it was going down..

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 251 days ago
We get it from Weather Underground, which may be where Google sources its data from.
I'm not sure how this could be happening all of a sudden. It seems to have happened twice today...
Let us know if it happens again and I'll investigate it more thoroughly. At this stage it could just be a rare blip in their service.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
Happening in our race now. The Royal Rumble.
Happened in "Rookie F1 Championship" also this morning while I was spectating.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
Rob if you would search through the forum than you would have noticed that this happened in the past already a couple of times. So there is no need to capslock or write 5 exclamation marks at the end of your sentence.

Adam Gosling medal 5000 12 years 251 days ago
My race last night did the same sort of thing, qualifying was dry, then the race itself up nutil around lap 20 was heavy rain, then cloudy at -18C for literally 2 or 3 laps, then i think it was just normal rain for most of the rest of the race.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 250 days ago
I think Rob was just trying to be helpful - more of an 'OMG people will panic'
But capslock does mean you are shouting which gives the wrong impression.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 250 days ago
It got worse,
389% Wet? But it's Clear all race :D

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 250 days ago
Thank you Jack for the explination. Appreciated.
& Jake. Yes you're spot on, I was just trying to put a time and an aleart post up, as I have added some admins to friends and I didn't see them on. So I chucked up a quick post as I know that the Q2 patch was working to get rid of crash issues and is a contiuing annoyance for the Devs.
I put the caps just to make it clear to the ones who might just skim the forums because they have a million and one other things to sort. So putting it in caps was to make it easy to see. I've run my own site and have been around forums for over 10 years. So easy and simple announcements are normally the best way to post and get straight to the point. :)
I was actually hoping for something along the lines of. "Thanks for the heads up / warning. The Devs have been informed and are working on trying to sort the issue."
Something like what I got from Jack tbh.