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Engines unavailable after buy

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medal 5000
6 years 110 days ago

Yesterday I bought a set of 20 engines from the shop and today I noticed they were not available in the car repair menu.
Initially i thought that the transaction didn't go through so i bought another set. Again no engines in the repair menu.

I checked my coins and aparently I spend 32 coins on 0 engines. Can you restore my coins please?
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 110 days ago
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you made a mistake when making your purchase. 20 engines cost 20 tokens, if you spent 16 tokens per purchase, it means you bought 20 parts each time.
Some time ago Yunus posted that the support team is not going to revert such player mistakes anymore, so the only thing I can advise you is to be more careful next time and read very well the confirmation pop-up you get before buying. It clearly mentions if you are about to buy parts or engines.
medal 5000
6 years 110 days ago

Ah damn, you are right. I didn't event notice that was the parts page. I was tired, ignored the message on the popup... you know the click "next-next-next" mentality.

It was my mistake and in this case, not reverting is actually understandable. Everybody should pay for their mistakes :) ... Especially when they do it 2 times in a row.

Thanks, for your reply.

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