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Ranking of teams with 0 points

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medal 5000
6 years 101 days ago
Previous thread suggested that teams on zero points were ranked by their best race positions.  After one race of new season I finished 19th in race but am now bottom of the league.  How is this possible?
medal 5000
6 years 101 days ago
I am very sorry, but we ain't got an answer for this, we are looking into this and want to help you as soon as possible.
medal 5000
6 years 101 days ago
I would have thought the fairest way is for all the teams who have not scored points to have an average of their race finish positions calculated and be placed accordingly in the standings. That way the teams who have consistently finished races at the back will be relegated.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 100 days ago
There goes my theory it's the order at season start still influencing things, at least as long as it wasn't a pretty weird one not reflecting last season at all. No worries, it should sort itself out after a few more races.
medal 5000
6 years 100 days ago
After two races table now appears to have corrected itself. At least it is now worth fighting for positions outside the points!
medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago
Slightly off topic but in a similar vein. In practice recently, I recorded a time which I was happy with, giving me 2nd place. A while later another car recorded exactly the same time, to the thousandth. In F1 when 2 cars record the same time, the car that sets it first gets the top position. In the game, it was the 2nd car that got 2nd place, I was given 3rd. Now, it was only practice so it wasn't really important but what if it had been qualifying? It could make a world of difference, I'd like it resolved so that the car that sets the time first, gets the top position. 
medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago

Slightly off topic but in a similar vein. In practice recently, I recorded a time which I was happy with, giving me 2nd place. A while later another car recorded exactly the same time, to the thousandth. In F1 when 2 cars record the same time, the car that sets it first gets the top position. In the game, it was the 2nd car that got 2nd place, I was given 3rd. Now, it was only practice so it wasn't really important but what if it had been qualifying? It could make a world of difference, I'd like it resolved so that the car that sets the time first, gets the top position. 

Suzie, in Qualy everybody does their lap at the same time, so that issue won't occur there. The game just makes this time to the 4th number behind the , and that makes who is the fastest.

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