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offices and reception

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medal 5000
6 years 99 days ago
Hello everyone. is it useful or not to develop staff morale (offices and reception)? thank you

Best Solution -- Selected by Rik Sinnige

medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 98 days ago (edited 6 years 98 days ago)
It's of no use. So upgrading that building is currently just to improve the looks of your HQ, to possibly satisfy the completionist in you and finally to possibly prepare to save time for the day when an update might change this situation (might be wasted though if the buildings purpose is swapped entirely and it's decided everyone starts at lvl 1 with the new one).

Edit: Another thread reminded me there might be a little use. Morale is meant to influence the chance that staff members decide to retire if you extend your contract.
medal 4994 Moderator
6 years 98 days ago (edited 6 years 98 days ago)
It's of no use. So upgrading that building is currently just to improve the looks of your HQ, to possibly satisfy the completionist in you and finally to possibly prepare to save time for the day when an update might change this situation (might be wasted though if the buildings purpose is swapped entirely and it's decided everyone starts at lvl 1 with the new one).

Edit: Another thread reminded me there might be a little use. Morale is meant to influence the chance that staff members decide to retire if you extend your contract.
medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago
That last bit exactly Frank.
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