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Help I'm losing money

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medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago
I am currently in -3m. Want to buy better staff and new drivers to help my progress because of being in an elite championship. Any tips and suggestions? I don't think I will pay for more tokens to get money, but I could do it as a last resort.
medal 5909
6 years 98 days ago
Sell both your current drivers as you are paying 700k each and get cheaper drivers.
medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago
Also invest in drivers from the driver academy.
medal 5000
6 years 98 days ago
Your Doctors contract expires in six races. If you don't renew it the game will auto-assign a one star replacement with wages of £50k per race. Over the course of a 17 race season this will save you £6.4m.
Like M S says, £700k+ per race is expensive for a Talent 3 driver. If you promote drivers from your academy you will be paying less than half of this.
I don't know which sponsors you have but unless you can guarantee meeting your objective every race go for those that give you maximum income first then maximum bonus second. You should get at least 51 tokens per season from your primary sponsor regardless of your finishing position, these can be used to buy engines, upgrade facilities, get new staff and anything remaining can be converted to cash.
You're only level 11 at the moment, don't worry it gets easier as you get higher level because you don't level up so quickly so don't need to upgrade facilities or replace staff so often.
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