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Wrong team in trainingresult

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medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago

In the list of the trainingresult i see a player who is not in our competition.
Its team gogogo with managername max maxxie.

Is this a bug?

medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago
No probably not
He most likely joined when there were major problems yesterday with managers getting kicked out of leagues. He did practice laps but then Jack fixed everything so your managers who were kicked out were reinstated back into the league meaning that Max was now out. So even though Max is no longer there his drivers practice laps will remain for this race only. 
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago
Thnx for your answer.
I just saw that max maxxie posted a comment in our chatarea. 
Seems to me that er is still something wrong?!
medal 5088
6 years 53 days ago
The user most likely joined your league, then left.
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