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8.7K Reputation League - Join us

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medal 5000
5 years 178 days ago (edited 5 years 170 days ago)
Hello everyone!

Just became the host of this amazing League. Its previous host was inactive for more than 100 days but we are a few managers with a pretty high Reputation and great skills.
Since the league hasn't been managed for so long, we are in desperate need of Rookie and Pro teams so to fill up all tiers and make it the great League it deserves to be! So please feel free to join us and hang in there for a while if you like it: The longer you stay, the more people will follow!

We also need other Elite teams and as you can see the tier average Reputation is very high and we'd love to keep it that high, so high Reputation Elite managers of any levels are very welcome to join the fun!

We are waiting for you!

League not found or inactive
medal 5000
5 years 170 days ago
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