Just posting this here after a lengthy conversation after our race, regarding the unpredictability of some races.
In RaceID 82911 I just can't explain the difference between my drivers 18432 and 7223. Both drivers had:
- perfect setups
- 100% health
- minimal weight
- 25 years of age
- the same strategy
Driver 7223 is equal or better on all attributes, and 7223 had a fresh engine compared to an 89% engine of 18432
Yet: 18432 outqualified 7223 and 18432 was faster throughout the whole race.
This doesn't seem to make sense at all.. can anyone explain this difference? From other managers in the league - who have collected data - I understand this is just one example of many seemingly random events/results. I understood it can't be a matter of favorite tracks for drivers.. Is there a random factor? Can this be decreased in order to make this randomness less noteable?