Naithan Stubbs medal 5000 12 years 240 days ago
Hi, i'm running a bit low on finances (25 mil). Ive been thinking about buying the research facility (10 mil), but my worry is if it costs money to research KERS and DRS, I run the risk of going into debt. Does DRS and KERS cost anything to research? And if so, how much? Thanks!

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 240 days ago
I can't remember exactly, because it was quite a long time ago, but I believe it was something like 5-10 million to research DRS and 10-20 million to research KERS.

Naithan Stubbs medal 5000 12 years 240 days ago
Oh really? Damn, gonna have to raise some cash if I want it then haha. Thanks Jamie!

James Young medal 5000 12 years 240 days ago
DRS becomes available at Development Level 4 at a cost of $10 million.
KERS becomes available at Development Level 6 for $20 million.

Naithan Stubbs medal 5000 12 years 239 days ago
Ahh brilliant, thank you James!