Ion Timofti medal 5214 6 years 114 days ago
Hi, in my yesterday race (Monaco) we have some rain (2,5mm), the start of the race was good with inter as I select. But during the race the rain start and stop every 10laps, and in one of my pit stops I select to put new inters tyres, but in that moment start to rain anither time (2,5mm), but in the pit the game automaticaly give me the wet tyres. I set in the advanced strategy to put the Wets after 3,0mm of water, but in the track it was only 2,5mm on that moment. Before enter to pit lane, I see that the game want yo give me the Wets but I can't change the tyres, I put all the time to Inter button, and it seems that accept my choise, but nothing, in the pit put me the wet tyres. Also the advanced strategy don't work in race, because I set to go to Inter when it stop to rain, but in my another pit stop (2,1mm water) put me the SS, like I select in my normal pre-race strategy. If you see the statistics of that race, it seems to be a horror story, with people with pit stops from 3 to 7. Can you investigate please???