1.Attracting new players
1.1 the league select page
1.2 the forums
2.Dealing with inactives
2.1 kicking
2.2 strategic kicking
2.3 kicking leniency
3.Keeping players active
3.1 helping players
3.2 socialising with players
4.Retaining players
4.1 do 3.1 & .2
4.2 records & rewards
4.3 engaging league wide activities
5.Things to think about
5.1 host inactivity
5.2 unexpected events
5.3 things not working out
5.4 useful tools
1. Attracting new players
1.1 the league select page
Getting new players through the league select (L.S) page can be difficult when starting a new league, this is easier to understand when you realise how the L.S page works. The L.S.P shows 10 or so leagues ranked fairly closely to descending order of the number of cars in the tier you are in. To give the user more useful leagues it will exclude some results using filters that the player has set, such as the time of race, language and race days. The strongest influences on what is shown appears to be: cars per tier>1 car/two car filter>race time filter>race days filter>language filter>password locked filter.
So even if the player has messed with the filter and selected their most suitable options which could match your league exactly, it is still highly possible that other more full leagues which are less relevant will be shown first/instead of yours! In fact, this is probably why you created the league in the first place, the L.S.P did not show you a compatible league so creating a new one was the only option to keep being able to race... Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this as a host and you'll either just have to get lucky or use the L.S.P's easy to cheese mechanic to your advantage.
For a league with a tier that is becoming inactive but is still above 28/32 cars, you have 2 main options to get the tier full again:
- Keep the inactives and maybe even place fake accounts to get the tier up to 30 cars* for the best possibility of being featured on the L.S.P to gain players, but risk having a completely inactive league.
- Kick all the inactives to have a higher percentage of active players but be forced to use another method of getting new players
If your league isn't gaining players, it's probably because of the L.S.P, if you are gaining players but they keep leaving, are inactive or just aren't racing live it's probably because the L.S.P is featuring your league to the wrong players. But don't worry, there are other ways to attract new players!
1.2 the forums
The "leagues & events" sub-forum is another, essential option for promotion. At the L&E you can create a thread for your league and encourage racers to join your league by posting information, facts, schedule, links, etc for the league. Most hosts go for the "league box" which is created with the following text, [ league ]aLeagueID[ /league ] (but remove the spaces)
OFFICIAL Formula Zero
MTWTFSS at 17:00 | |||
50% race distance | |||
Rookie | Pro | Elite | |
Teams | 0 | 14 | 14 |
Reputation | 5000 | 5166 | 5346 |
The L&E is the best place to go for a reliable source of active managers but unfortunately there is also a lower number of managers who will use the L&E to find a league. Still, if you are trying to grow a league I would definitely recommend posting here like so:
Daily to increase chances of attracting the attention of racers
half an hour before every race to increase the chance of racers joining or at 18:00gmt when most players of iGP are online (Although the latter could bring in racers who can not race live)
Including race time and day at/near the top
Including any external rules you wish to enforce and punishments
Any other details which will make your league unique!
And if you see a racer in L&E posting in an attempt to try and find a league and your league matches their criteria, why not give them a link to it?!
Now that you understand the best ways to get your league up and running, how about how to deal with those pesky inactives...
2. Dealing with inactives
2.1 Kicking
As a league host you are free to kick anyone who joins your league by clicking settings and then the edit league button on your league's page. I would advise you to only kick inactive managers or ones who are causing trouble because obviously kicking a good active manager would be a bit dumb hehe :D. Hosting and dealing with inactivity go hand in hand, it is up to you to deal with these inactive managers and keep your league fresh.
You should kick inactive managers because:
- They are unlikely to become active again
- They make your league look "bad" or "slow" to incoming players
- They can take up spaces from more active players
- They will get automatically kicked after a period of time anyway
2.2 Strategic kicking
Paradoxically, in some situations it can be useful to keep inactive managers:
- They can act as placeholders for more active managers/friends
- They can keep you featured on the L.S.P
2.3 Kicking leniency
I've seen some managers do "offline for 5 days = kick", some do "offline for a week = kick", others even do "don't show up to race = kick"...
Personally I have a quintuplet of rules that I use when I kick
- If a new player has not logged in for 3 days since joining, kick
- If a player is offline for 5 days, kick...
- unless the player has been in the league for a long time, kick after 6-10 days
- or the player has requested a break from playing, give a max of 1 season
- or the tier is under 14/16 managers
The point is, when you kick is up to you but make sure you have a logical plan in case of most events otherwise your league might end up in the gutter...
That should be all you need to understand when it's best to kick or keep those pesky inactives, but what if you don't even want inactivity to reach that point?
3.Keeping players active
3.1 helping players
One thing that all racers want to do is win. Once you get enough players into your league you'll eventually find that some of your players will struggle to understand why they are slower than others, and if you aren't getting experienced racers from other leagues to help the inexperienced, it'll be up to you to help them find reasons as to why they aren't competing with their rivals and generate smarter, more determined players. If you yourself aren't that good of a racer, read up on and share these guides:
Tips to have success in iGP
The Advanced Guide to IGP
The Beginners Guide to IGP
Things like, strategy, level, dp spending, kersing and activity could all be reasons as to why someone isn't doing quite well, so make sure you support your players so that they are more likely keep racing! Also don't forget that newer players may not even know of the forums, mention it now and then because there is a lot of info here.
3.2 Socialising with players
Who doesn't love some post race banter!? Why not start some sort of chat group or social media group where you can talk to your players about things less iGP related and discuss things in a much more familiar atmosphere! My league, for example, has a discord server where most of the iGP and non iGP related discussion happens. By prolonging the time and enjoyment people have playing iGP and being in the league, you will notice that keeping players active is far more possible! At the very minimum you should be getting your players talking throughout the day whether it be about iGP or something unrelated, regardless of the platform. Also keep in mind that a league that looks busy on the league page will look more active and attractive to incoming players.
So now you are keeping players active, but not quite keeping players. What now??
4.Retaining players
4.1 repeat last 2 steps
Doing 3.1 and 3.2 will go a long way into keeping players because they'll feel more valued and more involved with the league, making what was just a league seem more like a "family".
But if that isn't quite enough, I would also suggest offering out end of season rewards and record updates.
4.2 records & rewards
Racers like records so if you are keeping track of some basic ones like most championships won or most wins and saying when someone's close to it, more of them will obviously want to stay or comeback to beat the records gotten from seasons and seasons ago. It just gives your players another goal, another incentive to keep going!
The rewards can act as a reason for wanting to achieve the goal, because at the end of the day, a number is just a number. But let's say something like a cheap untrained talent 20 would be a great, tangible gift to offer to some of the newer players to the game because of how much it helps in the long run!
4.3 engaging league wide activities
creating fun and engaging league wide activities and events will also go a long way in the pursuit of keeping players. Something literally as simple as a fun poll every now and then could serve as way to change things up a little bit during long seasons of what can quickly become quite repetitive racing. Perhaps an inter-season league only quick race would be good for the more interactive players who really hate a day off, it really is up to you but keep in mind that every little thing you can add is something that makes your league different to the rest!
5.Things to think about
5.1 Host & general inactivity
Make sure the team you are hosting with is inside your league because, after 14 consecutive days spent outside the league, you will be classified as an "inactive league host" meaning that anyone who has competed in 20 consecutive races in a tier in the league will be able to takeover as host.
You will also be classified as inactive if you spend 14 days offline.
The game also has auto-kicking although personally I wouldn't rely on it. Here are the permutations for kicking:
there is no reset to days offline if the player gets demoted. There is a reset to the "days since joining" counter which is really more of a "days spent in tier" counter.
5.2 unexpected events
WATCH OUT for daylight savings. iGP does not change the time races for you! Also make sure you have a clear plan for what to do when it comes up because it might force a lot of your racers to leave your league! And make sure you tell your players you are changing or not changing the times because DST is regional and will not affect everyone around the world at the same time.
ALSO WATCH OUT for maintenance and big announcements, I'd re-post announcements on the league page or the social media group (3.2) because you never know if someone's missed something.
If you aren't 100% sure on making a change to the schedule or format of races, do a poll. After all, all the changes you make will affect your players!
5.3 things not working out
If people aren't joining, please refrain from spamming messages to players, hosts or on the forums. Don't forget that there are others who might have the same issues too!
And of course, if people aren't joining, don't forget that only racing is always an option open to you because it can get a bit repetitive in the hosting game. It's a long term investment for a good league so make sure you have enough time available for the challenge.
5.4 useful tools
In the settings for a league there are a vast array of useful tools that will help you in your league hosting career...
- race settings: allows you to change race time (useful for DST), race speed and race distance
- league mail: allows you to send a message to your entire league at once, helps if you have an important message or a more complex poll that you need everyone to see
- season settings: allows you to change the structure of a season, whether it be schedule (you can miss some days of the week), season length, the races on the calendar, the length inter-season breaks, whether promotion and relegation will happen or even postponing a race
- peripheral settings: allows you to change text or security related to the league such as name, league description, welcome message (could be good for keeping players), password (good for leagues where you just want specific people) and language.
You can also change host but I suppose if you are reading this that's not part of the plan
Enjoy your time as a league host. Even if it is tough now, the perseverance and patience is worth it. You will meet so many different personalities and meet some incredible managers along the way too... maybe even some of the best in iGP!
Thank you for reading this and feel free to post your thoughts or your own tips below, if there are any errors feel free to tell me too!
*30 cars - this will mean 15 managers if you have a 2 car league but 30 managers if you have a 1 car league
originally written by R360, recently edited by Leo Yeo