Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 233 days ago (edited 12 years 231 days ago)
This is a F2P football management game and it actually started later then iGP but to be honest (Sorry for saying this) it's got a better setup and has a nice balance for the F2P to work their butts off or you can buy into the game and grow quicker.
I have paid into this (the same as iGP) to see how the paid functions work and so on..
I'm really enjoying the way it is setup and the way the game is run and what I like about it is the fact that once it's kick off, it's any ones game and it's down to how you have set your team up and the style they play.
There is zero difference in the game play from Paid and F2P (The way it should be) you just get extra content for paying in to it and you get to grow quicker.
The other parts that I like is that when you start, you have a default team and you have to learn how to use them, build them and grow to get the best of what you have until you reach level 10 and can build the club house.
They have a rewards systerm like iGP BUT... The F2P side works as well..
You can earn points to help you level by inviting others in to the game and you get a small ammount of XP... Once the people you invited get to level 10, you get some more XP and so on... Every set of levels they reach, you get some nice XP..
So it bring the F2P & Paid accounts together and it works..
I'm not being funny, but I honestly think some of the Devs should sign up to it and see how to make a F2P and Paid game work properly and have a nice balance.

Benjamin Goldschmidt medal 5000 12 years 232 days ago
I like Goalunited, too
but your not completely correct, Goalunited was developed in its first version in 2006. so I think the devs there have much more experience.
on the others things you said, i have to agree.

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 232 days ago

Jonas akaLongBow medal 5000 12 years 232 days ago
Have played for 5 seasons, love the game :D

Matthew Smith medal 5000 12 years 231 days ago
just signed up looks quite good and much better then football manager online my only gripe so far is the fact it appears you cant play a 1 match a day league like you can in IGP but i will give it a try play a season or so and then see

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 231 days ago
I'm not to sure about games and leagues.
I had a quick look on their forums and they advertise leagues the same way as it is here, but I don't know how to swap yet.
You might be locked for a while until you get to a certain level before you can move leagues.

Benjamin Goldschmidt medal 5000 12 years 231 days ago
no, you can't change the league. the only way is the relegation, you have to win your league to get to the next better league. like in RL-football ;)
but you can participate in the United-Leagues or tournamtents beside this, but in these you don't get the same exp. like in the normal league matches, I think

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 228 days ago
Just signed up :P Not too bad I know naff all about Football though :P

Matthew Smith medal 5000 12 years 227 days ago
been playing for the last few days i have 2 main issues 1 on the live ticker you only really get feedback if you score not much else is given so for most of the match your just staring at the same text for a few mins, and 2nd it would appear you need these star things which you can buy with real money to buy any facilities bar the level 1 stuff, i could be wrong though

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 227 days ago
No no.. the stars are luxury versions of what you can buy as a F2P.
So if you have a stand with 1600 seats, the stars version will give you 2100 and also add a little more reputation to your stadium.
So it's a little extra.
Also they are working on the Live ticker, they are going to be sorting it where you will see a lot more and also be allowed to have substitutions.

Grant Gordon medal 5000 12 years 217 days ago
Thanks for pointing this out to me Rob, signed up and have been thoroughly enjoying it.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 217 days ago
Nice one.
Once you have been in for a few week, I'll have a friendly with you.
Add me on there. FingersTitan is my user name on it. :)

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 79 days ago
I'm just wondering if others have tried this and the ones who are playing it are enjoying the game?
I'm level 35 with a team strength of 21 at the moment.
I'm enjoying all the updates with the United Cups and the bonus add on's you can buy..
Apart from iGP.. It is the only browser game that I pay in to. It's superb.
Also.. If one of the devs or members of the team sign up... Nick some ideas.. The card system is superb and you can bring in a new dimention to iGP..
In basics the card system is as follows..
4 different types of Playing Cards - Action / Player / Training / Coupon.
Action cards - These are for the matchs and you can direct your team to take it slow and it will reduce the performace by 50% or Full out attack and they push an extra 50%..
Player cards - They have 12 different cards that you can play and they are from opening special tallent slots to instant heal and back to 100%. They also have 4 different youth cards that unlock skills for you new youth player.
Training cards - Endurance / Mental / Team Spirit. Tactics training to boots how quickly you train for your teams direction - Counter Attack / Wing Play / Defence..
and Coupons that can take money from your building works or set up different styles of matchs.
They have rewards that gives you nice trophies to put in your display cabinet for collecting and using your cards as well..
You can buy 3 different types of booster packs, they will hold a mixture but they will always hold 7 cards per pack and have on average 4 common cards / 2 uncommon and 1 rare with the possibility of it being "Ultra-rare"
Not only that.. you can (for real money / GU Stars) buy and sell the cards with in the game..
Anyways... It's a lot of fun. :)

Joe Filipanko medal 5000 12 years 74 days ago
This looks pretty interesting. I will have to give this one a shot this evening.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 66 days ago
So how are you finding things Joe ?
My only issue so far really is that you have very very little chance to end up in friends leagues, but If you talk to others in your leagues you soon build up your friends list.
Here is an invite code for any body thinking about joining the game.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 222 days ago
Latest updates.
Even if you don't play this. Take a look at the things that are happening with it..
This is Goal United's dev blog.