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medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago
Why don't we make the game better?
I propose to increase the number of categories, but to reduce the number of participants in them.
This will greatly increase the interest in the "passing" game.

So. Now we have a system: 16/16/16 Novices Pro Elite.
Let's make 12/12/12/12/12 Novices Amateur Professionals Masters Elite.
medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago
How would current leagues be affected
medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago
Please use the correct word.
Better (in this case) is an opinion.
'Change' is the word u were looking for, and it itself does not imply anything getting any better at all.

And on that note...
If u read the forum from time to time ull see 'they' are constantly trying to make the game better, as well as just change stuff,
Like changing the hard tire dominance to the soft tire dominance.

Btw.. i think your vote-choices are pretty 'pro ur great idea'

medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago

How would current leagues be affected

Jump logic can be easily developed. Implementation too. There is no need to program new functions, but simply to work with existing ones.

Please use the correct word.
Better (in this case) is an opinion.
'Change' is the word u were looking for, and it itself does not imply anything getting any better at all.

And on that note...
If u read the forum from time to time ull see 'they' are constantly trying to make the game better, as well as just change stuff,
Like changing the hard tire dominance to the soft tire dominance.

Btw.. i think your vote-choices are pretty 'pro ur great idea'

I just suggested the most obvious and simple things to improve the game. I can easily continue the list.

medal 5000
6 years 97 days ago
Hello, I'm a league host and let me tell you, introducing 2 more tiers would make filling leagues IMPOSSIBLE. By doing this you would essentially be forcing the best players/luckiest players to only be able to compete against  other people. A high majority of leagues would be so empty at the top, and I know most of my players ENJOY competition rather than 8 seasons alone. The maths behind your idea doesn't add up either. 12*5=60, but 16*3 = 48. Really you'd need 4 tiers.

Additionally, you actually have not stated many improvements this idea could bring, only "This will greatly increase the interest in the 'passing' game." whatever that even means...
I mean I'll even help you here and give you some positives: this makes it easier to keep the best managers apart from the worst managers because they are more spread out & it makes it harder for "cheesers/noobs" to reach the top tier even when in an empty league. Maybe 1 extra tier might just be doable for a completely full league but defo not for emptier leagues.

If this was introduced I'd suggest the final/4th tier not being active until the promotion in all tiers is activated, and then actually I could get behind this!

But until then, league hosts are already having issues with getting they're leagues full and active, I sincerely doubt we need more.
medal 5772
6 years 97 days ago
Ajuda, fui editar meu piloto para Jean-Éric Vergne, mas ao dar "SALVAR" ele salva errado, até eu perceber que com ífen - não está salvando mais.

 Minha dúvida é seguinte, já editei com - e tinha salvado. perdi 25 tokens com 5 tentativas de editar ele.

 porque não esta mais salvando com - ?
Favor queria meus tokens de volta.
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago
Perfect Idea!
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago
I disagree with this idea. Here are several problems with this idea:

1. It will make it harder for leagues to populate each tier.
2. It will estrange managers in the top tier from the manager in the bottom tier.
3. It will fracture the iGP community based on tier.
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago
Hello, I'm a league host and let me tell you, introducing 2 more tiers would make filling leagues IMPOSSIBLE. By doing this you would essentially be forcing the best players/luckiest players to only be able to compete against  other people. A high majority of leagues would be so empty at the top, and I know most of my players ENJOY competition rather than 8 seasons alone. The maths behind your idea doesn't add up either. 12*5=60, but 16*3 = 48. Really you'd need 4 tiers.

Additionally, you actually have not stated many improvements this idea could bring, only "This will greatly increase the interest in the 'passing' game." whatever that even means...
I mean I'll even help you here and give you some positives: this makes it easier to keep the best managers apart from the worst managers because they are more spread out & it makes it harder for "cheesers/noobs" to reach the top tier even when in an empty league. Maybe 1 extra tier might just be doable for a completely full league but defo not for emptier leagues.

If this was introduced I'd suggest the final/4th tier not being active until the promotion in all tiers is activated, and then actually I could get behind this!

But until then, league hosts are already having issues with getting they're leagues full and active, I sincerely doubt we need more.

Hi, I'm a league host too.
I was not going to fit in the number of 48 players. I propose to expand it. Why not? But 12 players in each category will improve gameplay.

Impossible? - it will be impossible only in the dead and half-dead leagues. If the league is live and has an active host, it will fill up to 60 as well as to 48.

I don't state many suggestions here, because I don't want to bury them on this sub-forum.

Your idea of adding only one category while saving the total number of players I also like. As an interim and compromise solution.

Perfect Idea!

Thanks Greg!

I disagree with this idea. Here are several problems with this idea:

1. It will make it harder for leagues to populate each tier.
2. It will estrange managers in the top tier from the manager in the bottom tier.
3. It will fracture the iGP community based on tier.

1. So what? The best leagues will fill up, the worst will fall. If a host does nothing for his league - of course his league will be poor.
2. I see you do not understand one of the main problems of this game. We already have a gigantic gap between the pro and the elite in this regard. More categories will reduce it.
3. Still say that it will kill the game ... you definitely do not understand the essence of the problem. Of course tiers will have to split up a bit! But this is definitely not a problem, it is very easy to implement correctly.
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago
I disagree with this idea. Here are several problems with this idea:

1. It will make it harder for leagues to populate each tier.
2. It will estrange managers in the top tier from the manager in the bottom tier.
3. It will fracture the iGP community based on tier.

1. So what? The best leagues will fill up, the worst will fall. If a host does nothing for his league - of course his league will be poor.
2. I see you do not understand one of the main problems of this game. We already have a gigantic gap between the pro and the elite in this regard. More categories will reduce it.
3. Still say that it will kill the game ... you definitely do not understand the essence of the problem. Of course tiers will have to split up a bit! But this is definitely not a problem, it is very easy to implement correctly.

You didn't explain why your proposal will work. Making more tiers doesn't help managers that are currently in Rookie and Pro. The correct way to help them and close the gap is to teach them how to extract the most performance, not by distancing them further from Elite.
medal 5000
6 years 96 days ago


You didn't explain why your proposal will work. Making more tiers doesn't help managers that are currently in Rookie and Pro. The correct way to help them and close the gap is to teach them how to extract the most performance, not by distancing them further from Elite.

First, for these two categories, they lack experience for a decent game in the elite. Secondly, a very weak headquarters. What good is that a person wins a pro at level 11 and gets into the elite at 17? Thirdly, the interest in the game is lost. The player won, newcomers, pro, and maybe somehow miraculously elite. The game will end there. A larger number of categories will expand this path and prepare it for the elite.

medal 5000
6 years 86 days ago
Not fully convinced on your projected outcome as a result of this addition. 

My league has a handful of good managers among the 30 of us, in rookie more than half are competitive, pro less than 2 and elite with 3 managers battling for top spot.  
How would your suggestion help my league? Take the top managers from each tier and place them on the top tier and so on? 

Before you know it, we'll be back to square one with the same issue. I think.
medal 5000
6 years 86 days ago
And I had a full league of good managers. But weak players do not want to come 28/32. Last place too far.
The number of managers in a category of 12 will greatly help to keep newcomers in the league and the game.
An increase in the number of categories will extend the "career" and increase interest in the game.

In general, I think we should aim at reducing the number of leagues, but improving their quality. I know at least 4 measures for this: an increase in the number of categories, payment for the creation of a league, a reworking of the leagues search mechanism and the expansion of league attributes
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