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medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
I have a suggestion, when you got up to a new category (rookie to pro or pro to elite) you get a prize in money or tokens, some guy of my league said it and I think it will be very cool

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
6 years 93 days ago
*sigh* this has been suggested so many times, and rejected so many time for the same reason, it would be making the game unfair as though who can gain the positions in the races and get the points and go onto win will then be getting 'prizes' regardless of what that is to continue to increase their competitiveness thus rendering anyone else chances next to 0.

IGP Devs are all about the Fair Game not copying F1 and only rewarding winners or top competitors.
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
So people already in elite get no bonus? to be manipulated.  Get promoted and get tokens....don't try next season and go down. Then get promoted and get tokens etc
medal 5000
6 years 93 days ago
*sigh* this has been suggested so many times, and rejected so many time for the same reason, it would be making the game unfair as though who can gain the positions in the races and get the points and go onto win will then be getting 'prizes' regardless of what that is to continue to increase their competitiveness thus rendering anyone else chances next to 0.

IGP Devs are all about the Fair Game not copying F1 and only rewarding winners or top competitors.
medal 5000
6 years 93 days ago

*sigh* this has been suggested so many times, and rejected so many time for the same reason, it would be making the game unfair as though who can gain the positions in the races and get the points and go onto win will then be getting 'prizes' regardless of what that is to continue to increase their competitiveness thus rendering anyone else chances next to 0.

IGP Devs are all about the Fair Game not copying F1 and only rewarding winners or top competitors

i wouldn't mind a trophy for a win, at least...
medal 5000
6 years 92 days ago
And trophies/trophy room seems a happy medium when suggested :)
medal 5000
6 years 91 days ago
And trophies/trophy room seems a happy medium when suggested :)

Sorry mate what do you mean with that
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago
And trophies/trophy room seems a happy medium when suggested :)

Sorry mate what do you mean with that

It would be nice to have a trophy when winning a championship and a tab where you can view them and others.

medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago
Umm always short on money
medal 5000
6 years 90 days ago
Not going to happen 
medal 5000
6 years 87 days ago
This a racing game....not a care-Bare cuddling app......

Sorry, but loosing is just a reality in racing and in life...There are 3 trophies positions available per race. Let us have them. Even if it's just a digital image. I just failed to see the issue here.

As far as fairness goes; the second an "in game purchases" is available, it makes it easier for those with money to spend to do so, thus giving those individuals a clear advantage. 

This idea got rejected, but it had nothing to do with fairness....or common sense for that matter... 

Lets Race!!
medal 5000
6 years 87 days ago
Well said Hamlet.
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