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solve empty league tiers...

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medal 5000
6 years 94 days ago (edited 6 years 88 days ago)
i read in another thread that leagues would struggle to be filled if there was an extra tier added. So here is a solution.

if a league has under 12/24 players (2car/1car), then tiers should be eradicated completely, all merged into 1 tier call the "league" tier, (with all the qualities of rookie, but exp gained would increase based on your level) once a season finishes with more than those amounts of players, then it splits into rookie/pro (if promo/relegation is on), and people get promoted normally after that, and this also means, for a season or two,some elites will get sub par exp as they get promoted up, but if people really want to make a new league, then surely some pain to get more gain, and this will mean leagues fill easier as "league tier" should show up to all players on the search.
medal 5000
6 years 88 days ago
no one has any opinion on this? or is It as per usual that people dont understand what I'm saying? haha I can explain it better if desired, just say. (basically.. bump...)
medal 5000
6 years 87 days ago
We refrain from having an opinion on this, because development team/ admins already rejected ur idea.
Best of luck with your next 'great idea'.
medal 5000
6 years 87 days ago
at the time, it was not rejected. This is a new development since i last posted.

Also, the last line wasnt nessecery. Good luck with your next "great" reply.
medal 5000
6 years 86 days ago

Good luck with your next "great" reply.

Thnx buddy
medal 5000
6 years 81 days ago
We have a whether system in place that causes more chaos than create a change in the norm ....why reject what is to replace and/or merge an already dying league?.... oh wait..... that's why...   can't do digital CPR here.....can u?   League hopping.... it's a thing.... sorry Stu..... couldn't help it.... .
medal 5000
6 years 78 days ago
if admins reject the idea, i can only but hope that they have a better improvement if they feel one is needed, i just thought my idea will help a new league grow, rather than have these silly leagues where 10 friends play in 3 tiers and can never race together because they are stuck in rookie/pro/elite, i just figured if they can be in the same tier for racing, until more people join (if they allow more to join their league), then, thats a good thing.. and if they dont then they get less exp, but can race together)

as for league hopping, i honestly cant really tell if your post is against the idea, or for it. but i am guessing against as you said sorry...  but as i said in my idea, the point of this tier would be to inflict pain on people who try to make a new league (so less spam/junk leagues are made) and the people genuinely serious about building a league will go through the pain of less exp in order to grow a good healthy league.

It took 3 seasons and a lot of support for my league to go from 12 elite, 10 pro, 6 rookies, to 30-20-30, its hard to estabilsh a league, i feel sorry for anyone who wants to make it happen, but ends up being 10 people spread as 3 elites, 2 pros and 3 rookies in a 1 car league.

you need 14-15 or 30-31 members in your league, or its hard to get people to join, people who start a new league have little hope of generating a member base unless they have a broad member base to start with.
medal 5000
6 years 78 days ago

as for league hopping, i honestly cant really tell if your post is against the idea, or for it. but i am guessing against as you said sorry...  but as i said in my idea, the point of this tier would be to inflict pain on people who try to make a new league (so less spam/junk leagues are made) and the people genuinely serious about building a league will go through the pain of less exp in order to grow a good healthy league.

I meant that if a low membership league is dying to begin with, what's the point of trying to sustain it. I'd rather see less leagues with more active players making the game experience that much more fun. 

But to be clear..... I don't believe the current tier system does the game justice... After all,in just a few seasons you can have the same players racing in any of the tiers regardless of experience. Good luck selling that philosophy to F1 or any racing authorities.  But we can't have it all.... 

medal 5000
6 years 71 days ago


as for league hopping, i honestly cant really tell if your post is against the idea, or for it. but i am guessing against as you said sorry...  but as i said in my idea, the point of this tier would be to inflict pain on people who try to make a new league (so less spam/junk leagues are made) and the people genuinely serious about building a league will go through the pain of less exp in order to grow a good healthy league.

I meant that if a low membership league is dying to begin with, what's the point of trying to sustain it. I'd rather see less leagues with more active players making the game experience that much more fun. 

But to be clear..... I don't believe the current tier system does the game justice... After all,in just a few seasons you can have the same players racing in any of the tiers regardless of experience. Good luck selling that philosophy to F1 or any racing authorities.  But we can't have it all.... 

You have a point, but my idea was not meant to "keep dead leagues open".

my thoughts behind it were to enable friends who want their own personal league to be able to race together at different levels, this was the original reason i wanted to play iGP (to form a league with my 5 IRL friends), they didnt want to play, but if they did now, i would be in elite, they would be in rookie.,.. and never could we be in the same tier, id have to create a new account just to play with them, something i feel i shouldent need to do.

In this sense, my idea, would have made the game more inviting for people trying to get their friends to play, which = more people playing iGP

In the sense of "dead leagues being kept alive", in my experience of setting up a league...

I had tonnes of support compared to the average league starter.

Pretty much EVERY league without "support" from other players will start as a dead league, because the only way to find players, is to be a nearly full league.

If you are an unknown league, and full or not near full, you wont get joiners, so of course dead leagues are dying. This idea, had a bonus of allowing all leagues to flourish.

As for "less leagues filled with more players".. if you dont have spaces left in leagues because all the good ones are filled, then you need new leagues to fill.

Better 50 half filled leagues to fill up, than 5 almost full leagues with 5 spaces each.

Just my POV, either way, the idea was rejected, hopefully someone will come up with an idea the developers of iGP like, which helps resolve the "dead league" issue one way or another.
medal 5669 Community Manager
6 years 71 days ago
At the moment all iGP Manager leagues are full. Great news for all hosts!
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