Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 227 days ago (edited 12 years 226 days ago)
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=league-info/149 show that the Pro guys will be in our next race does that mean they get relegated??? Our schedule was muck up with the 2d not working one night and answer would be good.

Kevin Mcdonald medal 5000 12 years 227 days ago
I'm expecting other implecations such as them now starting our last race with their new 'next season' car.
Then losing that car when our last race ends, and then starting the following season with another 'next season' car which will be 0%

David Krikorian medal 5000 12 years 227 days ago
i was going to post something about this when i saw it, I just won the pro title and i rather not get demoted due to a bug :(

Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Send a PM to the developers so that they get notified faster.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Seems like we are getting missed out .....bump!!!!

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
I'm investigating this now. I'll see if I can remove the Pro players from the final Elite race and then get the schedule for the next season re-aligned.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Cool thanks for this sorry for like going crazy and raising an ticket and PMing, just need to get sorted before the race kicks off....

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
No problem. It's much better if we can get it fixed sooner rather than later! So thanks for the alert.
Right now it seems that the best solution may be to effectively remove the Pro players from the league altogether and then reassign them tomorrow. I might be able to just put them back down to the Pro league for the time being though. I'll get back to you about this.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
I have put the affected teams back to Pro for the time being. Once Elite properly completes I'll shift those teams back into Elite.

Kevin Mcdonald medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Thanks Andrew, much appreciated.

Elcio P medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Now our next race is scheduled to begin just tomorrow!
Can you fix this please?
Usually we have 2 days between seasons, with the postponements we had this season messed everything up.
Can you check on that please? Thanks!

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 226 days ago
Will do that now. I had to fix the alignment between tiers anyway.