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Driver-specific color & num

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medal 5000
6 years 81 days ago
It'd be great to have something which makes drivers more recognizable, such as  helmets with different colors and permanent race numbers. What do you think about this? 
medal 5000
6 years 81 days ago
Do u mean on the driver 'photograph' or in the car during the live race?
I think a customisable helmet on the photograph would be nice, 
But during the live race it seems obsolete to me, since id have to lose sight of the actual race to zoom in far enough to see any form of helmetdetail.

And even tho i said it would be nice to have a customisable helmet for a few coins, i really dont care about mascara and other cosmetics so im perfectly fine with the way it is now.
That said. If it is implemented i will still make use of the cosmetic function, same way i did my car.
medal 5000
6 years 80 days ago

Do u mean on the driver 'photograph' or in the car during the live race?

I meant to assign a specific color to every driver. Of course helmet designs would be far too small to be useful in any way, but maybe plain helmets may be an idea. 

medal 5000
6 years 79 days ago

Do u mean on the driver 'photograph' or in the car during the live race?
I think a customisable helmet on the photograph would be nice, 
But during the live race it seems obsolete to me, since id have to lose sight of the actual race to zoom in far enough to see any form of helmetdetail.

And even tho i said it would be nice to have a customisable helmet for a few coins, i really dont care about mascara and other cosmetics so im perfectly fine with the way it is now.
That said. If it is implemented i will still make use of the cosmetic function, same way i did my car.

Hey, a nice bit of guy-liner works wonders when I'm on stage ?

I love the idea of a helmet design, not in the race cos using a tablet or phone, which I do, would render it useless. But it would be nice to see in the championship tables

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