Frank Schichterich medal 5000 12 years 222 days ago
I allways paid for 1 month through paypal from my konto. This is not possible any longer because you changed the billing system to an abonoment. You can only pay now if you have a credit card. And beside that i dont want an Abonnement...!

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 222 days ago
What on earth is an Abonnement?

René van der K medal 5000 12 years 222 days ago
What on earth is an Abonnement?

Frank Schichterich medal 5000 12 years 222 days ago
damn, thought this word is known world wide ;)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 221 days ago
I thought it was some weird word that google translate had invented! - lol
Anyway now I have a new word to add to my limited vocabulary.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 220 days ago
In Romanian, it means "abonament", so I understood it right away, but surely sounds funny in English. :) Like another word "konto". Again, easy in Romanian (cont).

Frank Schichterich medal 5000 12 years 219 days ago
But my problem remains. Any official word?

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 219 days ago
Yeah. I pay each month through Pay Pal... Looks like I won't be re-newing now and not through my own fault... Nice One. *clap clap*

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 219 days ago
I think the devs are on to this.
Frank and Rob - Please write to the help desk as they need to know about this.