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Another few issues to report.

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medal 5000
12 years 218 days ago
Really need an update of how long it's going to be..

Even if it's a Guess-atmate on when it's going to be released as people are REALLY getting annoyed and it's even more annoying when you are waiting for bug fixes and read rubbish about new sponcers when the bugs are still there and no one is coming out and saying about when they think they might be fixed..

FACT is that the "Managers Online" is a huge lie... As you can knock off at least 1/4 of them as 2nd accounts and when I 1st came on to this game, there was between 7 and 800 managers online..


People STILL running out of fule during the race and not moving from holding to pushing...

2D crash / lag and connection issues are STILL around.. (supposed to been sorted on the last Q Patch fix)

Driver setting purple laps for 4 to 6 laps over and over and running around on bright red tyres.. 1 or 2 laps, yeah.. but 4 to 6 laps of non stop Purple laps... Not a chance.. The walls would fall off the tyres...

Changing of settings during the race.. I swapped ALL of my stints during the race tonight and 1 didn't take for some reason.. So had to re-do for the next stop and luckly it took this time... It could of cost me a win again.

This has happened in just 1 race and keeps happening over and over and over and over..

Sorry, but thats is me done for subscription now.. I'll be spending my money on Goal United until these issues are fixed..

This is not just me that is annoyed.. alot from the league I'm in and 1 has quit the league and still waiting for the bug fixes before he returns..

Personally... I don't give a flying hoot about iRacing or rFactor sponcers when the game is still as buggy as it is and the Devs don't give answers back or an update of what they have been working on or what they can and can't sort..

Take a note from the most successful developer within the last few years.. Minecrafts Notch..

The reason why his players have been so loyal to the game is because of his open and honestness about what he was doing to the game..

In one of his patches.. He gave a list of the things him a Jeb was working on and one of the lines said....

Fishing - Still working on it, still p-ing me off, Will keep working on the sucker until it's done, but won't be in this patch...

A little bit of openess and honesty.. Thats all we ask for!!!!!!
medal 5000
12 years 218 days ago
Completely agree with Rob.

As an F1 game, why is it that keeping your tyres Grey to have optimimum grip, isn't actually as good as just letting your tyres sky rocket to being bright red.

A great system guys, your really making this game fun for people like me who ask my drivers when to push and when to not. I'm sitting here using 2D trying my best to do my best to get results against managers of similar level and experience, yet I'm being beaten not by strategy, but by drivers that seem to just go flat out constantly, burning their tyres and not losing time. 

Where I'm, making my driver back off a bit to keep their tyres in check, go slower and then even when I do make them push more, say move to Hold rather than full back off, my drivers still can't match the times of those that are burning their tyres.

It makes races very boring as I'm getting screwed out of positions that I need to obtain objectives (which at times are just plain silly but that's another problem with this game for another time), losing out on money and my drivers aren't progressing as good as they could.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Really need an update of how long it's going to be..

It's done when it's done. Every day there can be several things which can hold up the development. We don't know what happens tomorrow so we can't say "we release the patch in 2 days". What if a developer has an accident and can't develop for several weeks? Yeah correct, the community will be angry again because we said it is done by that date which really can't longer be done by that date.

People STILL running out of fule during the race and not moving from holding to pushing...

So it is our fault if people are too stupid to calculate the correct fuel? If a team miscalculated the fuel in F1 then the FIA will be blamed for that or what?

2D crash / lag and connection issues are STILL around.. (supposed to been sorted on the last Q Patch fix)

Never had any issues with the 2D viewer. Anyway we are moving to a different server which has more power therefore these issues shouldn't longer be there.

Driver setting purple laps for 4 to 6 laps over and over and running around on bright red tyres.. 1 or 2 laps, yeah.. but 4 to 6 laps of non stop Purple laps... Not a chance.. The walls would fall off the tyres...

Another funny thing. The free users complained about having no chance in races. We just reacted to their complainments. We changed the tyres behaviour a very long time ago to equalize chances. No one complained after that but now as the paid users don't win every race they start to complain. Funny situation.
As I already said we are working on this but it seems that you doesn't care about any comments we make...

A little bit of openess and honesty.. Thats all we ask for!!!!!!

Really? No not really. We already posted several things here in the forum. Seems like you didn't listen to it.
You are asking for openess? We react to the community wishes, we implement them and after that? We are blamed of a different group of the community because they feel like they have a right to win. So what now? Should we undo this and get complainments about the other group?

As an F1 game, why is it that keeping your tyres Grey to have optimimum grip, isn't actually as good as just letting your tyres sky rocket to being bright red.
A great system guys, your really making this game fun for people like me who ask my drivers when to push and when to not. I'm sitting here using 2D trying my best to do my best to get results against managers of similar level and experience, yet I'm being beaten not by strategy, but by drivers that seem to just go flat out constantly, burning their tyres and not losing time.

As I already said. We are working on that. It pissed me off too to loose races against guys with bright red tyres. But that was a suggestion of the community and we accepted it and no one had complainments about that suggestion but now you have... wonderful!
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
As far as free users are concerned, it's still 'wrong'. Tyres behaviour shouldn't be changed to be unrealistic to give them a chance - they should be given the tools they need in order to be competitive - tyre temperature data. I've posted about this before, months ago. The above poster wasn't complaining about losing his subscriber advantage, he's complaining about unrealistic simulation. I'd gladly be beaten by someone using the free service if we both had the tools required to race available to us and I'm sure many others wouldn't mind either. I don't think I saw any posts asking for tyres to run longer in order to increase free player competitiveness. Q1 provided a step in the right direction for this, but it's still not enough. Blaming the player base for it's input and then not delivering the right solution is not the fault of the player base. It's a choice by the development team - and I'm sure members of the development team feel differently about the solution imposed but whatever way you cut it, you can't blame the player base for it.

Instead of insulting the fan base, why don't you read more in to what is being said? Many of the complaints are valid. The game has a paying player base and they want to know and be updated about a product which they subscribe to. It's not too hard. We have a developer blog and announcements section - why isn't news about delays posted in here? Why isn't there information about the coming updates? Why not have a weekly in depth look at a new feature? No one needs an exact date, they just want to be informed.  Keep revising the date and revise it realistically. Post a blog article along the lines of 'We're working really hard on feature X but it's not quite working as we want, it may take us a few weeks to crack it!'. This is far more satisfying than crawling through forum posts or finding out about a delay shortly before or even after a previous date has been passed. It's simple project and community management. No one is saying you can't delay. No one is saying you can't revise. No one is saying that someone isn't working hard enough. The community wants to see progress on a product that they are paying for. If I want development news, I go to the development blog - not find a random post in the forum that the team may have replied to. It's there for a reason - why not use it?

The openess and transparency is not linked to the in game gripes at all, even though you seem to be making that association. There are lots of good things in the game at the moment and lots of good things coming - we know that. We just want to be kept in the loop around what is coming and when it's estimated arrival is.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
As far as free users are concerned, it's still 'wrong'. Tyres behaviour shouldn't be changed to be unrealistic to give them a chance - they should be given the tools they need in order to be competitive - tyre temperature data. I've posted about this before, months ago. The above poster wasn't complaining about losing his subscriber advantage, he's complaining about unrealistic simulation. I'd gladly be beaten by someone using the free service if we both had the tools required to race available to us and I'm sure many others wouldn't mind either. I don't think I saw any posts asking for tyres to run longer in order to increase free player competitiveness. Q1 provided a step in the right direction for this, but it's still not enough. Blaming the player base for it's input and then not delivering the right solution is not the fault of the player base. It's a choice by the development team - and I'm sure members of the development team feel differently about the solution imposed but whatever way you cut it, you can't blame the player base for it.

I did not say that it is correct the way it works. And obviously you don't even know what was changed. So you only guess and that is pretty much wrong. No one and I mean absolutly no one suggested to make the tyres last longer!

Instead of insulting the fan base, why don't you read more in to what is being said? Many of the complaints are valid. The game has a paying player base and they want to know and be updated about a product which they subscribe to. It's not too hard. We have a developer blog and announcements section - why isn't news about delays posted in here? Why isn't there information about the coming updates? Why not have a weekly in depth look at a new feature? No one needs an exact date, they just want to be informed.  Keep revising the date and revise it realistically. Post a blog article along the lines of 'We're working really hard on feature X but it's not quite working as we want, it may take us a few weeks to crack it!'. This is far more satisfying than crawling through forum posts or finding out about a delay shortly before or even after a previous date has been passed. It's simple project and community management. No one is saying you can't delay. No one is saying you can't revise. No one is saying that someone isn't working hard enough. The community wants to see progress on a product that they are paying for. If I want development news, I go to the development blog - not find a random post in the forum that the team may have replied to. It's there for a reason - why not use it?

Yes, we have a developer blog but not every one can write into this blog.
So you are complaining about getting no updates but you are reading the forum? Why not searching for it? There are several threads about the Q2 update. I thought you wanted to get news why not reading there?
Anyway, we never said we won't do that. We are listening closely to what the community says but some things take time, it's not like we clap our hands and everything is done. That is one thing the community must understand. We are only a small development team of 3 members. And these 3 members don't only develop. They have several tasks aside from the development.

medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Why are people going on about red tyres? Red tyres are not fast - If someone is managing to beat you when they are overheating their tyres early in the stint then you have serious problems in your team - Poor drivers or low development - It's that simple. There is no way a manager can win with glowing red tyres if you have similar drivers and the same development. Grey tyres at the moment are the best for pace over a whole stint, and an identical driver running red tyres vs grey tyres at any track will be faster over a whole race.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
As far as free users are concerned, it's still 'wrong'. Tyres behaviour shouldn't be changed to be unrealistic to give them a chance - they should be given the tools they need in order to be competitive - tyre temperature data. I've posted about this before, months ago. The above poster wasn't complaining about losing his subscriber advantage, he's complaining about unrealistic simulation. I'd gladly be beaten by someone using the free service if we both had the tools required to race available to us and I'm sure many others wouldn't mind either. I don't think I saw any posts asking for tyres to run longer in order to increase free player competitiveness. Q1 provided a step in the right direction for this, but it's still not enough. Blaming the player base for it's input and then not delivering the right solution is not the fault of the player base. It's a choice by the development team - and I'm sure members of the development team feel differently about the solution imposed but whatever way you cut it, you can't blame the player base for it.

Instead of insulting the fan base, why don't you read more in to what is being said? Many of the complaints are valid. The game has a paying player base and they want to know and be updated about a product which they subscribe to. It's not too hard. We have a developer blog and announcements section - why isn't news about delays posted in here? Why isn't there information about the coming updates? Why not have a weekly in depth look at a new feature? No one needs an exact date, they just want to be informed. Keep revising the date and revise it realistically. Post a blog article along the lines of 'We're working really hard on feature X but it's not quite working as we want, it may take us a few weeks to crack it!'. This is far more satisfying than crawling through forum posts or finding out about a delay shortly before or even after a previous date has been passed. It's simple project and community management. No one is saying you can't delay. No one is saying you can't revise. No one is saying that someone isn't working hard enough. The community wants to see progress on a product that they are paying for. If I want development news, I go to the development blog - not find a random post in the forum that the team may have replied to. It's there for a reason - why not use it?

The openess and transparency is not linked to the in game gripes at all, even though you seem to be making that association. There are lots of good things in the game at the moment and lots of good things coming - we know that. We just want to be kept in the loop around what is coming and when it's estimated arrival is.

You say that the tyres should be unrealistic but you are playing a game were dots go around a track they dont cater for just one set of people. To get non paying players in you have to give them some kind of chance to get into the game.........

However I do agree that there needs to more communication from the Mods/Devs whoever they are. Doesnt matter if its via twitter facebook anything, I understand you are busy getting Q2 ready but I find alot of the issues above are solved by one of two things. Create a list on the forum of features/bugs whatever planned and show when they are implemented or bugs fixed. Not everyone reads the forums or has time to trail through them to find out info.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Why are people going on about red tyres? Red tyres are not fast - If someone is managing to beat you when they are overheating their tyres early in the stint then you have serious problems in your team - Poor drivers or low development - It's that simple. There is no way a manager can win with glowing red tyres if you have similar drivers and the same development. Grey tyres at the moment are the best for pace over a whole stint, and an identical driver running red tyres vs grey tyres at any track will be faster over a whole race.

medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago

Why are people going on about red tyres? Red tyres are not fast - If someone is managing to beat you when they are overheating their tyres early in the stint then you have serious problems in your team - Poor drivers or low development - It's that simple. There is no way a manager can win with glowing red tyres if you have similar drivers and the same development. Grey tyres at the moment are the best for pace over a whole stint, and an identical driver running red tyres vs grey tyres at any track will be faster over a whole race.


That is not really true.
But it will change so I don't want to explain that right now!
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Sure does not seem to be un-true in my experience. Even running light red tyres is faster at the start of the stint but slower towards the end I find. When I say grey I don't mean a solid grey, I'm talking about mostly grey with maybe 5-10% pink or something like that, where running 1 push level higher will start turning pink straight away.

Well, that sure works for me.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Ofcourse I run 5/5 on my out laps and in laps though, they are fast when they are red for a limited time ofcourse.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Yeah it seems to me that if you run them near that colour and tyre % is good the laps in the latter part of the stint is much better.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Definitely. Atleast for me any way. Light pink is faster than grey for a period of time, but not over the whole stint I find. I also find my drivers are slower if I'm constantly switching them from 1/5 - 2/5 every lap opposed to just leaving them on one constant push level, so long as that push level holds temperature.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Definitely. Atleast for me any way. Light pink is faster than grey for a period of time, but not over the whole stint I find. I also find my drivers are slower if I'm constantly switching them from 1/5 - 2/5 every lap opposed to just leaving them on one constant push level, so long as that push level holds temperature.

I think tyre % is something to do with it as well both are connected.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
So does this whole post boils down to tyre temperatures, again?

And why do the devs get blamed for things that might be out of their control.
I have a top class computer and a gas-fired laptop! You should see how badly the game pays on the laptop - my kindle is better - so I still think some problems are nothing to do with the actual game (although I know the devs will disagree with me and be more loyal to the community)
And I am not even going to start on bad management of fuel etc.

As Nico points out there are only 2/3 devs and as far as I know (to keep mind and body together) they also have paid employment.  It sounds easy that they should 'write blogs, answer forum posts, etc' but this all takes time away from doing actual development work.  It takes me about an hour every day just to read the few posts that come in each day and answer any I can - how much longer does it take the devs to take note of the bugs, research the problem, test the program to see if there is a fault etc etc.  And this is only for ONE bug.  Meanwhile they are trying to advance the game and deal with the business side of things.  As well as heaven knows what else, as I have no idea how this whole game works.

Give them a bit of slack - it must be soul destroying being told X game is sooo much better.  Anyone is allowed to have a grievance with the game but DON'T make it personal.
This would be an amazing game too if it had the kind of money thrown at it that some of these games have - it's pretty amazing as it is.

End of rant :)
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
So does this whole post boils down to tyre temperatures, again?

And why do the devs get blamed for things that might be out of their control.
I have a top class computer and a gas-fired laptop! You should see how badly the game pays on the laptop - my kindle is better - so I still think some problems are nothing to do with the actual game (although I know the devs will disagree with me and be more loyal to the community)
And I am not even going to start on bad management of fuel etc.

As Nico points out there are only 2/3 devs and as far as I know (to keep mind and body together) they also have paid employment. It sounds easy that they should 'write blogs, answer forum posts, etc' but this all takes time away from doing actual development work. It takes me about an hour every day just to read the few posts that come in each day and answer any I can - how much longer does it take the devs to take note of the bugs, research the problem, test the program to see if there is a fault etc etc. And this is only for ONE bug. Meanwhile they are trying to advance the game and deal with the business side of things. As well as heaven knows what else, as I have no idea how this whole game works.

Give them a bit of slack - it must be soul destroying being told X game is sooo much better. Anyone is allowed to have a grievance with the game but DON'T make it personal.
This would be an amazing game too if it had the kind of money thrown at it that some of these games have - it's pretty amazing as it is.

End of rant :)

Agree. Just needs a bit more communication through other means imo.
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago

Really need an update of how long it's going to be..

It's done when it's done. Every day there can be several things which can hold up the development. We don't know what happens tomorrow so we can't say "we release the patch in 2 days". What if a developer has an accident and can't develop for several weeks? Yeah correct, the community will be angry again because we said it is done by that date which really can't longer be done by that date.

People STILL running out of fule during the race and not moving from holding to pushing...

So it is our fault if people are too stupid to calculate the correct fuel? If a team miscalculated the fuel in F1 then the FIA will be blamed for that or what?

2D crash / lag and connection issues are STILL around.. (supposed to been sorted on the last Q Patch fix)

Never had any issues with the 2D viewer. Anyway we are moving to a different server which has more power therefore these issues shouldn't longer be there.

Driver setting purple laps for 4 to 6 laps over and over and running around on bright red tyres.. 1 or 2 laps, yeah.. but 4 to 6 laps of non stop Purple laps... Not a chance.. The walls would fall off the tyres...

Another funny thing. The free users complained about having no chance in races. We just reacted to their complainments. We changed the tyres behaviour a very long time ago to equalize chances. No one complained after that but now as the paid users don't win every race they start to complain. Funny situation.

As I already said we are working on this but it seems that you doesn't care about any comments we make...

A little bit of openess and honesty.. Thats all we ask for!!!!!!

Really? No not really. We already posted several things here in the forum. Seems like you didn't listen to it.

You are asking for openess? We react to the community wishes, we implement them and after that? We are blamed of a different group of the community because they feel like they have a right to win. So what now? Should we undo this and get complainments about the other group?

As an F1 game, why is it that keeping your tyres Grey to have optimimum grip, isn't actually as good as just letting your tyres sky rocket to being bright red.

A great system guys, your really making this game fun for people like me who ask my drivers when to push and when to not. I'm sitting here using 2D trying my best to do my best to get results against managers of similar level and experience, yet I'm being beaten not by strategy, but by drivers that seem to just go flat out constantly, burning their tyres and not losing time.

As I already said. We are working on that. It pissed me off too to loose races against guys with bright red tyres. But that was a suggestion of the community and we accepted it and no one had complainments about that suggestion but now you have... wonderful!

RUDE... Just completly rude.... and the joke is.. You're a Moderator????

Esp when you are calling some one stupid who has seen many times drivers running out of fule over and over...

I have had isues with 2D twice this week and 1stly... I'm not stupid... 2ndly.. I know what I am doing... and 3rdly.. If you have moderators like you around here.. No wonder people are turning their backs on this game..

Well done.. You must be proud of yourself with having power and just insulting people when they spend money on this and ask for answers on why we are waiting 6 months to fix the SMALL issues...

*clap clap clap clap*
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago

RUDE... Just completly rude.... and the joke is.. You're a Moderator????

Esp when you are calling some one stupid who has seen many times drivers running out of fule over and over...

I have had isues with 2D twice this week and 1stly... I'm not stupid... 2ndly.. I know what I am doing... and 3rdly.. If you have moderators like you around here.. No wonder people are turning their backs on this game..

Well done.. You must be proud of yourself with having power and just insulting people when they spend money on this and ask for answers on why we are waiting 6 months to fix the SMALL issues...

*clap clap clap clap*

I don't know how many people I speak for, Rob, but  you might want to consider chilling out. I think the reason why Nico responded the way he did is that you have a habit of posting extremely long, extremely abrasive criticisms of both the game and the development team (occasionally tempered with a "no offense" disclaimer). Speaking from experience, you can only answer the same questions so often before it begins to grate on you, and if it's coupled with constant ultimatums (IF YOU DON'T FIX ISSUE X I AM TAKING MY MONEY AND LEAVING FOREVER for example) it gets even more grating.

I don't know, Rob, if you have ever programmed a piece of software. But if there's one thing you CANNOT do, it's throw quick fixes into the system willy-nilly just to satsify the squeaky wheels. You create more problems than you fix that way. I am not a beta tester on this product but I have been on many others, and honestly if this dev team broke down and rushed fixes to satisfy you, all that would happen would be that you'd be back in a day or two with another three-page vitriol-laden complaint about the new issues introduced by the "duct taping" you asked for.

I'm not a fanboy, I'm a customer. I paid my subscription fees and I expect a good product in return. If I don't feel the development team is delivering it or will deliver it in the future, then I am free to take my business elsewhere. That is one of the benefits of free enterprise.

Oh, and one more thing. In the spirit of wanting small fixes made immediately, IT'S SPELLED "FUEL," NOT "FULE." :)
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
Dyslexia.. It's a fun mental trick my dumb brain likes to do to me. :(

Sorry I post long rants.. I just get sick of people leaving this game in a rage with small issues that are not overly hard to fix.

I've seem more than 5 of our league quit over bugs and issues and I have said this before about "core" issues that still need to be addressed and no one who is having these issues is seeing any feedback about it being fixed..

I think i'm like all the ones who is annoyed with the bug and see more glitz being chucked on top of the bugs that are still lying underneath.

The funny thing is that I don't suffer from that many bugs. (2 this week is very high for me) but I listen to the ones who are in the league and I ask them questions when things happen..

We have had Kay Willms buy 2D and has nothing but connection issues each race. (5 + re-connects each time to get in to the 2D)

Ethan Bass, Jools Hogg, James Andrew, Kay Willms, Erik Jaccobson and others who have run out of flue for no reason at all. The drivers have just decided to carry on passed the pits.

Races being lost because back markers using KERS to re-pass and then slowing the person in front over and over.

Teams running in to the distance of burning red tyres and not slowing down.

and a lot of other things as well..

The funny thing is. Reading the forums.. The bugs section is the biggest section on the site.. Yeah people post up the same issues without reading if it's their or not, but the bugs section still grows day by day..

also if people are quitting over small game bugs.. Then would you not think... Ok everything is on hold until the main issues are addressed 1st and then move on to other things?

Over this week. I have clocked a max of 582 managers online.. When I 1st started this game, that was around the 850 to 950 mark.. So the question people should be asking is WHY... Why have these gone and what can we do to stop more people leaving..
medal 5000
12 years 217 days ago
The problem is, Rob, that the devs ARE working on the main issues. Again, if you haven't coded anything before it's hard to explain to you what even "simple" fixes can do to the codebase to throw a giant wrench into the works.

I have to think that the devs might not have been prepared for iGP to get as popular as quickly as it did. There are some features and elements to this game which are clearly placeholders for future functionality and other systems that are equally clearly oversimplified (the "Phase 1" systems). The game simply looks more polished and better coded than, say, Batracer, but in truth Batracer has had YEARS of development time whereas this game has only had months.

I think everyone applauds your passion, Rob, it's just that there comes a time when the more an issue gets brought up, the less impact it has. I'm virtually certain that every single thing you have mentioned is in current, active development and troubleshooting. I think at this point the more room the devs have to breathe and work, the better we all will be. If that means less of "WHY AREN'T YOU FIXING THIS" and more of us simply bringing issues to the devs' attention politely, then so be it.
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