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50 short after purchase

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medal 5000
6 years 53 days ago
I purchased the 43.7m cash option with 45 tokens but only 43,650m shows in the finances sheet.

Why is this?
medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 53 days ago
My best guess is that the money  you see on the 'buying money' page is rounded to the nearest  0.1 m. In this case, this is certainly true because if you round 43650 to nearest 100 you get 43.7k. I hope this answers your question. 
medal 5000
6 years 52 days ago
Yes this is most likely the situation but what I was wondering is why is there any rounding at all? There is no exchange rate, no bank transfer fee etc... I know it’s only 50 but it just seems petty/slack/unnecessary and a little bit mean (ha ha)
Just an annoying observation really ;)
medal 5000
6 years 52 days ago
There's more than enough space to fit 2 extra decimal places too so I agree with Steve, it should be changed
medal 5000
6 years 52 days ago
I don’t know why they don’t just give the full amount ??‍♂️
medal 4992 Moderator
6 years 52 days ago

Yes this is most likely the situation but what I was wondering is why is there any rounding at all? There is no exchange rate, no bank transfer fee etc... I know it’s only 50 but it just seems petty/slack/unnecessary and a little bit mean (ha ha)
Just an annoying observation really ;)

The amount of money per token increases a little percentage with every level. That's why the amounts are not set at fixed nicely round amounts. However I don't know why not more decimals are shown but it's probably something like because it's looking more nice and tidy especially on small mobile phone screens.
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