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Customisable Auction Prices.

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medal 5488 Super Mod
6 years 70 days ago (edited 6 years 70 days ago)
I think that maybe if you are selling a member of your team, you should be able to decide, how much the auction will start at. This could be rounded to the nearest 0.1m for better and easier numbers. Maybe if we were given a range and we decide how much as this wiould help an issue I am having. When I put drivers up for sale, it is often days or weeks before they are sold. If I could lower the price, maybe it would help. 
medal 5000
6 years 70 days ago
If the manager selling the driver or member of staff gets the entire auction sale price the feature you are suggesting is open to exploitation. 
You could buy a low level driver or staff member very cheaply then re-sell settimg the auction starting price to £20m and buy that driver from a dummy account you just created. 
Alternatively you can reduce the price to £1 if you are donating high talent drivers from your main account to a new account which would give you an enormous advantage over another rookie account who doesn't have a high level donor team.
medal 5488 Super Mod
6 years 70 days ago
Maybe if you were given certain boundaries that you could sell them for. Maybe a £5m area, which you could sell them for, to the nearest £0.1m.
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