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Transfer Market

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medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago
I know this has been brought up repeatedly but the transfer market is awful.  There need to be a way to search or an alarm as to when a CD becomes available that you want.  Even make the good ones more expensive but something needs to be done as it kills managers and leagues if people have to have rubbish CDs
medal 5000
6 years 69 days ago
I agree... And how about to give a way to search by filters like acceleration or others like this 
medal 5000
6 years 68 days ago
Why is there no decent CD in the market I been trying for days to get one 
medal 5000
6 years 66 days ago
days?? I've been waiting 2 years for a good one, you should be able to create and train our own
medal 5000
6 years 63 days ago
Can we get an official view on the transfer market please.  I know it's we only see part of the market but this puts people rolling the dice and is an unfair way to do it
medal 5000
6 years 51 days ago
Still no reply.

It HAS to change.  It provides a serious imbalance.  I haven't had a CD I wanted for about 7 months now
medal 5000
6 years 46 days ago
Still no reply.  This is a major issue for many.  At least an update to say they will look into it
medal 5000
6 years 46 days ago

I don't know what MP you're looking at, but I haven't had any similar issues. It may be a matter of actually logging into the game more often that you otherwise would to make sure you are able to bid and possibly win the staff you're searching for.. but it is possible.....not easy... This may be why you're not getting quicker responses.... who knows!

I do however like the idea of training your own staff.....that should've been implemented a while ago given how long the game has been in the market. 

Never the less though, the devs have done an amazing job planning the game. I'm a car enthusiast, I can appreciate their  dilemmas in trying to bring everything together at a satisfactory speed for everyone. 

medal 5000
6 years 46 days ago


I don't know what MP you're looking at, but I haven't had any similar issues. It may be a matter of actually logging into the game more often that you otherwise would to make sure you are able to bid and possibly win the staff you're searching for.. but it is possible.....not easy... This may be why you're not getting quicker responses.... who knows!

I do however like the idea of training your own staff.....that should've been implemented a while ago given how long the game has been in the market. 

Never the less though, the devs have done an amazing job planning the game. I'm a car enthusiast, I can appreciate their  dilemmas in trying to bring everything together at a satisfactory speed for everyone. 

I log in repeatedly and daily.  I haven't seen a strngth acceleration CD in months and months. I have even tried reducing the market buying about 30CD's to force the market to change and nothing works.  It is horrendous.  There are people in our league doing the same.  It is constantly complained about.  The developers did say about 9 months ago that you only see a part of the transfer market.  This means that not everyone sees the same transfer market, this in itself allows someone lucky to have a massive advantage.  They need to make a change.  If it gets to the point where I can't find a decent CD when my current one retires in the future then I can't compete properly. 

I have seen numerous managers quit because of the transfer market and it is not acceptable.  Needs to be made fair for all and not the lucky few.
medal 5000
6 years 46 days ago
I can see how this can be frustrating. 

You are also right; a manager can only see staff and drivers of their same or lower levels on the market place. Never higher... 

In my case I only look for staff members when I as a player level up. 
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
The market is bad bad bad... No way to find a good DC and the last one I saw was bidded in 210 rounds... Yes I put it on my favourites just to watch how much rounds it will go... Unbelievable but true... Impossible to get better without a good DC 
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
Not had an issue myself I'm level 19 and in the last month have found 3 new cds all with one of the big 4 as a strength 
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
""It's all bout the money"
medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago
If you see a CD you like shortlist him even if he's already taken or above your level. When he becomes free again (and you reach his level if he was higher) you'll get a notification. Sometimes this method is even better as you can get them before they enter the auction system for only 3 tokens and some game money.

It takes some dedication but it pays ;)
medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago

""It's all bout the money"

Not spent any money on tokens that doesn't seem to hhelp

medal 5000
6 years 41 days ago

If you see a CD you like shortlist him even if he's already taken or above your level. When he becomes free again (and you reach his level if he was higher) you'll get a notification. Sometimes this method is even better as you can get them before they enter the auction system for only 3 tokens and some game money.

It takes some dedication but it pays ;)

Done that.  Works very occasionally.

Regarding the comment of dedication......Do you want to sound any more condescending to those who religiously Hunt.  The game should show the and allow alerts and filters for the staff member you want.  Pretty simple refreshing database
medal 5000
6 years 31 days ago


""It's all bout the money"

Not spent any money on tokens that doesn't seem to hhelp

Thats not what i meant at all mate

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