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Weight can't be trained

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medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
My drivers have been trained to 20points in all skills. However their weight is still higher than that of other drivers in my league. No matter how much I train them they don't lose anymore weight. Is that a bug? 
medal 5950
6 years 44 days ago
Once all other areas hit 20 weight can't be trained this is why physical area and weight needs to be done first so it doesn't get locked in. So no it's not a bug. 
medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
Does that mean when stamina hits 20 you can't lose any more weight?
medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 44 days ago
No, it means that when ALL of the other attribues are 20, weight will no longer decrease. 
medal 5000
6 years 44 days ago
But you can only reduce weight by training Physical. Providing you have at least one trainable attribute (any one) less than maximum you can switch back to physical training and reduce weight. But at this stage because your driver is high level the weight reduction is extremely slow.

Therefore the best training regime is to train Physical attributes until Stamina is 20 and weight is minimum (51 kg male, 46 kg female) before moving focus to Driving and Mental.
medal 5088
6 years 44 days ago (edited 6 years 44 days ago)
Anybody unable to drop a driver's weight due to all other attributes reaching 20 first should write to explaining such and I will assist as soon as possible.
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