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Can you stop an auction?

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medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
I put my driver up in error and was wondered if there was a way of cancelling the auction to get him back?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 42 days ago
There is not a way to stop an auction but if he doesn't sell within the 3hr auction window, he will still be part of your team. Even if he is up for auction, they don't leave your Drivers and Staff page until they are sold to another team. I hope this helps answer your question. 
medal 4993 Super Mod
6 years 42 days ago
There is not a way to stop an auction but if he doesn't sell within the 3hr auction window, he will still be part of your team. Even if he is up for auction, they don't leave your Drivers and Staff page until they are sold to another team. I hope this helps answer your question. 
medal 5000
6 years 42 days ago
Thank you that’s a perfect response just sadly not the outcome I wanted.
Fingers crossed he doesn’t sell
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