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Road bumpiness

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medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Hi everyone,

How does road bumpiness affects in the game???... are there any tips that new managers like me need to know??? Thanks in advance for your help!!!! :)
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Hello, I am also somewhat new to the game. From my understanding, road bumpiness has to do with your type of suspension. If the suspension isn’t correct, then the car will most likely break and you won’t finish the race. I hope this helped.
medal 5000
6 years 40 days ago
Hello, I am also somewhat new to the game. From my understanding, road bumpiness has to do with your type of suspension. If the suspension isn’t correct, then the car will most likely break and you won’t finish the race. I hope this helped.

Hi Herp,

Is there something like that in the game????...if that's true that's great news for me!!!! suggestions I have proposed something similar in car accidents topic...I didn't know that this was already existed!!!! :)

medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
From my experience, circuit bumpiness will effect the ride height, where bumpier surface needs higher ride height (like Monaco).

Suspension type usually influenced by track temperature and downforce demand, arguably in tandem with wing level.

Broken suspension midrace almost always caused by unrepaired car parts. 
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
Firas hi,

Thanks for the feedback, I play the game by phone..where can I find suspension type because I can't find it????
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 39 days ago

Forget real life theory, it doesn't necessarily translate into the underlying mechanics of iGP.

Suspension type (stiffness) is one of the Setup options, you can select either Soft, Medium or Hard. In my experience the correct setting is determined by the circuit alone. Temperature does not appear to influence suspension stiffness neither does rain. Each circuit has an ideal setting for suspension stiffness and in two and a half years I have never known this to change.

Ride height can be different for individual drivers and as far as I can tell it's related to how tall the driver is.

Both ride height and wing level are influenced by rain.

So if it was dry last season and it is dry this season and you haven't changed drivers, guess what? The ideal settings will be exactly the same as last season... take notes.

Suspension failure has nothing to do with bumpiness of the circuit and (as Firas says above) is everything to do with not replacing parts. If you don't renew parts for a number of races the cars will retire with suspension failure.

I hope this helps
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago


Forget real life theory, it doesn't necessarily translate into the underlying mechanics of iGP.

Suspension type (stiffness) is one of the Setup options, you can select either Soft, Medium or Hard. In my experience the correct setting is determined by the circuit alone. Temperature does not appear to influence suspension stiffness neither does rain. Each circuit has an ideal setting for suspension stiffness and in two and a half years I have never known this to change.

Ride height can be different for individual drivers and as far as I can tell it's related to how tall the driver is.

Both ride height and wing level are influenced by rain.

So if it was dry last season and it is dry this season and you haven't changed drivers, guess what? The ideal settings will be exactly the same as last season... take notes.

Suspension failure has nothing to do with bumpiness of the circuit and (as Firas says above) is everything to do with not replacing parts. If you don't renew parts for a number of races the cars will retire with suspension failure.

I hope this helps

Thanks Kevin,

You are great !!!! :)...1 small guestion I replace car parts after every race since my headquarters produce 2 per race so my car is totally repaired does this change when I reach the elite level????

medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 39 days ago
I'm not the right person to answer this because I transferred from from the old game in August 2016 and have never been anything other than Elite tier.

I believe the parts usage is tied to your Manager/Team level (as opposed to Rookie/Pro/Elite tier) and will increase as you level up. This forces you to upgrade Manufacturing to keep up with the increased parts useage.

One of the other long term managers who have created new secondary accounts will be able to give you a definitive reposnse.
medal 5000
6 years 37 days ago
If you have enough parts to repair the car, the car will be completely repaired. 
I believe the parts usage is tied to your Manager/Team level (as opposed to Rookie/Pro/Elite tier) and will increase as you level up. This forces you to upgrade Manufacturing to keep up with the increased parts useage.

Yes that is exactly what happens

medal 5381
6 years 37 days ago
Suspension settings doesn't require a bar to illustrate the level of Road Bumpiness where there is only 3 settings for the suspension and that setting can be set after 2 runs max and then noted so you can set it exact the next time you race the track. So in that respect for Overtaking Chances = acceleration/braking, road bumpiness equates to the cars downforce and handing stats. IMO. 
medal 5000 Super Mod
6 years 36 days ago
It has been pointed out to me that this thread would sit better in "Help & Support". So as if by magic I will wave my moderator wand and... 
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