Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 200 days ago
Greetings guys, i made a suggestion a while back about adding more race controls and thought of a cleaner way of adding these.
The suggestion was to add more race controls to alternate fuel, engine and tire usage, which was a bit meh in my opinion now that I look back at it, and today I thought about a cleaner version of that. Just now we have 5 buttons, that effect all the diminishing stats, here is my suggestion
You have 3 sets of buttons, Fuel Mixture Racial, Engine Map Setting and Push Setting.
Push Levels, from low to high would set how hard your driver pushes to catch another car without effecting fuel or engine life. This would effect Tire Wear and temperature and the driver's health.
Engine Map Setting, 3 or 5 settings, whichever is prefered, lower the setting, the less engine health is lost, less power gained, making the engine last longer, the higher end, being the opposite.
Fuel Mixture Ratio, being again 3 or 5 settings, whichever again is prefered. Lower would give less power but use less fuel, allowing someone to get back into their stint if they feel they're going to pit out-of-strategy, also helps with weather changing where you would add fuel. Higher amount officers more power and more fuel consumption, great for trying to catch or overtake someone while you have fuel to spare.

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 199 days ago (edited 12 years 198 days ago)
to the topic writer +1
I to want this feature in the game

thiago silva medal 5000 12 years 198 days ago
While i like suggestion to give more control everything included must be able to be used by the people that can´t see the 2D Races.
As it is people without 2D already have problems keeping their tyres in the correct temperature without help from someone with 2D.
Im not saying some of your suggestions can´t be implemented now without problems, just saying that this should be a "North" to make sure everyone have more or less equal chances to win a race.
Now about your sugesttions.
I think the engine map settings is not needed.
The Fuel mixture is enough and exist in real F1 as they have if i remember 3 settings. (Low, medium, high consumption).
They can also change the front wing to help more in speed or downforce, but that would need the 2D to work being unfair to those without it.

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Ok David, not being funny, but if you want to catch the guy ahead by pushing harder, how do you do this without mainly using a higher engine power? Fuel Mixture using less engine power, which again mean you dont push hard where a fuel mixture using more engine power obviously means you are pushing harderThe use of fuel is already in the game, once again if you push hard you use more. So what your asking is already in the game, rolled into one, seeing as each one is related to the other

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 197 days ago
Currently in F1:
Pushing is a physical attack, using a more risky turning, going over corners, sometimes corner cutting, othertimes endangering other drivers.
Engine Map Setting in F1 has 9 Different modes, so does Fuel Mixture Ratio, each of which effect power output, and how much health is lost by the engine and how much fuel is consumed respectively. Seemingly my post was not read properly, let me clarify the reasons behind each switch:
Push Level
[*]Allows you to moderate cooling and heating tires more accurately without effecting Fuel or Engine Life.
[*]Allows you to burn the extra grip on tires, making full use of them during your stint instead of pitting with a 60% tire.
[*]Allows you to sacrifice tire wear and temperature instead of fuel and engine catching your opponent
[*]Pushing hard makes you more prone to mistakes or making faster laptimes. It's a chance factor, effected by Talent I guess?
Engine Map Setting
[*]Allows your engine to run overclocked, granting more power from less fuel, but this would drastically increase the wear and tear of the engine.
[*]Allows you to moderate the Engine's Heat levels, if such is implimented into the game.
[*]Allows you to sacrifice your engine's wear to gain a little speed which you can add to your lap or catching someone.
[*]Allows you to match race pace while your tires are still cold, borrowing life from the engine which would affect your race later or the next race, whenever you choose to refit your engine.
Fuel Mixture Ratio
[*]Allows you to consume more fuel to gain a higher set of power, or reduce how much fuel you use but with a small penalty.
[*]Allows you to save fuel if you are low on fuel and afraid of making your pit strategy
[*]Allows you to use excess fuel, you may calculate you will have a whole litre left as you go into your pits and want to bring that down to optimum?
There are many tools in F1 car:
[*]Traction Control
[*]Power Steering
[*]Kinetic Energy Recovery System & Regenerative Braking (Implimented)
[*]Drag Reduction System (Implimented)
[*]Brake BIAS (Implimented - as a pre-strategy only)
[*]Fuel Mixture Ratio Setting 0-9 (Implimented - but in a button that controls other functions)
[*]Engine Map Setting - 0-9 (Implimented - but in a button that controls other functions)
[*]Pitlane Speed Limiter (Implimented)
[*]Anti-Brake Lock System
What do these additional buttons do for the race?:
Adds new Strategy where we can focus on using more or less fuel, changing strategy without pitting early, making more use with part refitting and being careful on what we do there? Say an engine you got is going to last you two races cause you use a rather high engine setting, and there is 3 races left and you have only 4 engines until your next supply, that person may have to use a lower engine setting for the next race to maintain healthy engine.

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
[*]Traction Control
[*]Anti-Brake Lock System
Traction Control was banned in 2008. ABS was banned in 1994.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
From what you are saying Nico, I am assuming that Traction Control and ABS will not be implimented in iGP then?

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
:D. What about the whole exahst blown difusers you know the gear setup so when of throttle it creates more downforce with the blown diffuser surely that could be put in? Maybe its just me but the faster you go the more of the tyres are used up?

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
you dont have to state each individual part David, i do understand Formula one, but why dont you think about it, if you use 1 of these "bullet points" then it will also affect something from another section. What you are basically saying is one option could be:-
I want my driver to have Full engine map - Want him to go faster
I want my driver to have Low Fuel Mixture - Want him to use less fuel
Immediately under your settings you would have a conflict. Putting the engine mapping up naturally uses more fuel, but you want the driver to save fuel too, he cant do this while using a full engine map

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 197 days ago
I know what you mean Neil, as such you'd always want the Fuel Mix higher than the Engine Map Setting, which would result in possibly lower engine output, or even stall in extreme case?

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
I think he reckons that each and every one of us are F1 nerds and everybody would pass a 100 question test on all things to do with the inside of an F1 car.
Bit ignorant, Lyons.

Kade Matthews medal 5000 12 years 196 days ago
It would be good to see, but barriers should be broken down for newbies at the moment - such as the concerns Thiago has. This would just introduce a greater learning curve. They could be introduced as a Pro/Elite technology or post-8 technology though where experienced players are looking for more.

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 12 years 196 days ago
One of the nice things about iGP versus some of the other manager platforms is that it doesn't require you to play the game as if you're trying to perform a whole symphony on a giant Wurlitzer.
The complexity should be in the game's underpinnings - creating more fluid, dynamic gameplay - rather than forcing the player to control too many marionnette strings at once.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 195 days ago
I agree with Kade.
I have been playing the game too long now to see it through the eyes of someone new to it, but have been in contact with a couple of Newbies who are finding it difficult to get to grips with all the things that have to be done.
I would hope complexity would only be written into the game for more advanced players as it is quite complicated enough for newbies - in fact I think the basic beginning of the game could actually be simplified and therefore there would be more to achieve for the advanced player. Rookie players (?level 1-4) just need to understand how to get their cars round the track never mind anything else, so I think there should be a slower achievement score as you can actually get to level 5 quite quickly. But I understand also that you want to make people think that they are progressing - it is a difficult compromise.

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 193 days ago
There are three groups of people who play this game:
The new inexperienced
The people who joined and have freshly played a season or two.
These people are just here to learn and yet to choose whether to go casual or hardcore.
The Casual and Experienced Players.
The players who have raced multiple seasons who have a good idea how to play the game.
These people are here just to enjoy themselves and see what comes to them every race.
The Semi-Hardcore and Hardcore Racers
The players who are using or creating calculators and third-party technology for data gathering and chase World Rank.
These people are chasing glory, seeking challenges and complexity.
The goal of the game's development path should be to accomidate all three aswell as each individual groups of people, not every league has to go into the greater detail in team development. Just like in other MMO's, their developers give access to those who want to run that level of content and it's open and not limited to the individual's interest, but only to their ability. They can choose to run the easy content or the harder content. Such a feature would really excel this game.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 193 days ago
yes I think David has summed up the playing clientelle quite well.