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2 teams , driver swap ?

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medal 5950
6 years 30 days ago
Yes, put the driver up for sale from team A and from team B go and buy him. But there are few issues with this for instance if the driver level is higher than the manager level of team B then you might not be able to purchase him, when you put him up for sale from team A there is a risk someone else might purchase him so you will have to be quick in buying with Team B, I can't think of anything else so yeah. 

But there is no other direct or simpler way to swap driver or staff between teams.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 30 days ago
There's also wage increase. If you have trained this driver you want to sell you will see a slight increase in driver's wage.

For example, I pay $415.9K each race for a driver lvl 20 that I had built in my academy. If I someone else buy him, it's very likely that his wage will be up to $1.1M.
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